l'articolo 18 torna a dividere.....
ROME, Mar 2 - Article 18 of the Statute of workers back to divide the two sides. Invitation by the president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, the need to address the issue of flexibility in output, and the Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, who has raised the status of jobs, replied the secretary general of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso , that behind the statements made by entrepreneurs and the government is attacking the measure governing the reinstatement of workers dismissed without just cause, a pillar that you can not touch the CGIL.
In mattinata Marcegaglia ha, infatti, fatto notare come nel mercato del lavoro italiano sicuramente «c'è un problema di flessibilità in ingresso, forse eccessiva, ma c'è anche un problema di flessibilità in uscita che prima o poi va affrontato. Non possiamo continuare ad eluderlo». Quindi, ha aggiunto, «credo che il problema di un mercato del lavoro duale, completamente spaccato, vada risolto». Per la numero uno degli industriali, «in un momento di grande discontinuità, dobbiamo avere la capacità di concordare regole per raggiungere livelli più elevati di produttività e di salari». Parole che hanno trovato il plauso del ministro del Lavoro: «Ha ragione la presidente di Confindustria» nel emphasize the need to complete the adjustment of the labor market and employment relationships through understanding. On the other hand, Sacconi pointed out, this is the "same exercise in search of a common opinion that we requested, providing the outline of a draft law for a modern state of the work which could be introduced in this legislature." The proposal Marcegaglia and remarks of the minister, however, are not pleased Camusso, who warned: "Our thoughts turn immediately to Article 18 and to the attempt, he has in mind Sacconi, deconstruction of the Workers' Statute. This has nothing to do with today's reality of the country, with the problems that we propose. " For the leader of Italy of course, in fact, there is "no need to keep your hands to the Workers' Statute."
But the president of the industry is not just that the problem to solve: Fiat after the events "as Confindustria - said - we are thinking on opt-out ', ie the temporary exit of an association to which is inscribed, "there is a possibility that in Germany since 2005." (ANSA).
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