Today will be the artist to begin dining .
you remember? E 'this .. that was because last week
me and my dad we removed the paper and will soon have a new look
! ^ _ ^
The color I chose is a pastel blue
that comes from a grayscale ...
Oh yes, this is my blue period!
I have to decide if it should work with a veil
or give it all even.
on this are undecided, but I trust in the tests that will make me the painter today.
In contrast to the colors that were there and I had chosen two years ago when
still did not live here, I chose a bright and fresh color
that give depth to the room.
Living here, in these seven months I realized that
the dining room is not very bright because of
grilles and balconies upstairs making a lot of shadow ...
So away the red (which I never liked)
and cool off blue! A warm environment will think
learned, my beautiful!
After the dining room, pass the kitchen ..
^ _ ^ 'ok, now do not talk about food!
Blue is a color I've always liked ...
is that "the train of desires in my thoughts
go backwards ..."
Or why "I look for the summer all year ..."
" cerco un po' d'Africa in giardino
tra l'oleandro e il baobab
come facevo da bambino, ma qui c'è gente...
non si può più! "
Oppure.. a pensarci bene perché " Penso che un sogno
così non ritorni mai più...
[...] ma io continuo a sognare negli occhi tuoi belli
che sono blu come un cielo trapunto di stelle..."
Buon inizio settimana a tutti!
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