Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long To Get Risperdal Out Of Body

Myths # 1

Of the many clichés that I happen to find around the web .. .

The Lord of the Rings

Where is the missing link? Yeah ... where? The photo che ho postato sopra l'avrete vista tutti almeno una volta nella vita. Ne esistono di molto più dettagliate. A me non sembra che ci siano delle lacune. E non sembra nemmeno ai paleoantropologi. I vari generi ( Homo, Australopitecus ) e specie ( afarensis, erectus, abilis, ecc) sono categorie puramente indicative, che servono ad aiutare (Aiutare? Cazzo, non fanno altro che litigare se un nuovo reperto va categorizzato come Homo o Australopitecus!) i ricercatori nello studio dei nostri progenitori. Tra l'altro il concetto di “anello mancante” presuppone una visione lineare dell' evoluzionismo , quando invece è impossibile stabilire delle discendenze dirette: padre, son. While the other hand (holding the family metaphor) is more appropriate to speak of "cousins." In essence there are no lineages, but "bush" of evolution, with a mess of combinations. Enough of this bullshit of the missing link! They even named a new species of hominid, which is strongly related with the 'Homo sapiens , Hobbit. Perhaps the basic problem lies in the kind of readings of the youth researchers.

Islamic fundamentalists are anti-Semitic

I am not an anthropologist, I apologize if I find the most appropriate terms, but the Semites are a very large human category, which includes mainly Arabs and Jews ... guess a bit 'of that religion are the majority of them. Crap shoot when the Iranian president denying the Holocaust, it does not because it is anti-Semitic, it is because Israel is planing for decades and threatens the Palestinian people together with the American friends of his country's sovereignty. Sure, there are different ways ... in fact, there are different ways: the stop cock to piss off the Palestinians and recognize a state. They are Semites too.

The truth lies somewhere in between

E 'the power that lies somewhere in between, the original sentence is to Aristotle, * which will certainly not be happy to see transformed a pearl of wisdom as this, in a hot, steaming, bullshit.

If I measure a table and found that it is one meter high, but there comes another one that says "I measure two, at best one of them was drunk, in the worst one of them is Gasparri. The truth is always waiting to be measured and, if possible, be a teetotaler.

"But Popper said that truth is a lie, he says." Yes, because in the absence of conclusive evidence one can only speculate, the limit may be present theories or models that help to come closer to reality. Maybe get one that says "1.000009 meters measure the table," another argues instead that the measure 0.999999 meters. But if it supports "measures 2 meters" the law my grandfather said to send him to hell.

To tell the truth (it's appropriate to say it?) The term ... truth, is often used improperly.

The truth is beyond our interface consists of the five senses. In these ways we interact with the truth, which continues to be one. Unless you're the chairman of the board, you can not make a truth ad personam also we are all human, so we all have the same interface. Anyone who sees ghosts, the madonnas or speak with the dead ... it's schizophrenic! Point. No one has special access to truth.

I said, we all have the same interface, so all we can measure reality. The reality is the product of our analysis that the interface obtained by exploring the truth. The same Popper provides ways to do essentially, theories must be open to rebuttal: I have to check what support and make predictions that allow anyone to refute them.

Evolution is real? Very well then I'll never find the fossil of a dinosaur where to find the geological strata of the early hominids, or amphibians. Here is a theory open to refutation, in fact anyone found a dinosaur next to a hominid evolutionary theory would break down mercilessly .**

The atheist who asks him sbattezzamento is in contradiction

Not more than a Church that does not bother to delete from the lists parish who does not believe in his religion. And under a bloated inventory of so-called faithful also claims to be exempt from tax.

Here we are faced with a serious conceptual error, as a result of incorrect advertising campaign. In fact, the UAAR *** provides modules (written by lawyers lots of cocks) to request the cancellation consistent from parish lists, a coherence that should be reciprocal, this should be an interest of the Church have true believers in its ranks. According to belief, not baptism can be deleted as well ... but even an atheist (just) do not care. So myself an atheist "sbattezzato" rejects the unfounded accusation of inconsistency the sender.

I invite all to make a detour on the site UAAR ... I do it in the interests of the Church.

* "In medio stat virtus." Although Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (mesons you kai Ariston "The medium is the best thing") and then Horace in the Satires (est modus in rebus "is a measure in things") had expressed a similar concept, this phrase dating the medieval scholastic philosophers, as can be seen by the shift of meaning of "virtus" from the original Latin for "value". Its meaning is that we must avoid extremes, and try to find a middle ground. (Wikipedia)

** For the truth of evolution is a fact now law. Indeed, it is now irrefutable, such as "2 +2 = 4" with good peace of creationists. ***

Union Atheists, Agnostics and Rationalists.


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