Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Purplish Spot On Skin
March 8. The square of desires
In many, and many more. The International Women's Day in Italy speaks above the square, with wide initiatives, and lighted with someone who, instead, puts the right spots on the 'i'.
There will also be the institutional cote, with Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinal Palace this morning hosts the initiative "One hundred and fifty years: for women a better Italy." From the chair that most men do not may be a tribute to the unity of Italy, the theme of the most bipartisan of the other - but highly popular in the streets - that is sex and power, perhaps in part because of the presence of two ministers, Maristella Gelmini, Education, and Mara Carfagna , Equal Opportunity. The women of the Berlusconi government, moreover, have rallied to dispel any possible reference to the sex-gate: "To place that speaks of the dignity of women would say that this is a concept neither right nor left," said the Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, pointing out that it makes no sense today to allude to the story of Ruby, since "everyone has understood as" a veritable "aggressive record". Prestigiacomo
The reference is obviously larger initiative scheduled for today in dozens of Italian piazzas. The 'If not now when "the ocean after the February 13 event gives you a new event" in respect of cross-fertilization and the autonomy that we want to maintain and strengthen. " Many and various meeting places, from Rome to Milan from Reggio Calabria in Sydney (where it will manifest itself outside the Italian Consulate). With some elements in common to recognize the thread of reasoning born of the outraged reaction to the representation of Italy in the hands of his master's wishes. A pink ribbon "auspicious 150th in the unification of Italy for a rebirth of our country "where everyone wants to pin, and the slogan" Get the world's Italy "is an allusion to the theme of motherhood - the free, conscious and possibility - the possibility that also for this country to" be the world ", in solidarity with others peoples, but also in line with the democracy movements that have revolutionized the Maghreb.
the main event in Rome, in Piazza Vittorio at 16. From the stage will follow one another and from 19 different interventions will be possible to see the spectacle of theater Amber Jovinelli Cristina Comencini "Free."
But there will also be an initiative set up by the co-ordination "unseemly and Free" ( http://www.riprendiamociconsultori.noblog.org/ ), which gives 18 to square meet at the Mouth of Truth for a night parade that will reach Campo De 'Fiori. With "voice impetuous" Women of coordination claiming 'rights, welfare and self-determination, "rejecting the" logic family member' that focuses on motherhood to deny, in fact, freedom of choices and relationships. Reasoning, that, starting from as far away and do not want to lose the connection with other major events that have placed at the center of women's rights, such as that of 2007 against male violence. Violence, as evidenced by recent news events Romans, never ceases to exist and be exploited. Just last night while the mayor Gianni Alemanno insieme alla presidente della regione Lazio Renata Polverini proiettava sul Colosseo illuminato i «dieci punti» per rendere la città «più sicura». «Zone rosse: case, chiese, caserme, carceri, cie», lo striscione calato da «Indecorose e libere». Mentre in un blitz contemporaneo al Pincio, dove si svolgeva il «Carnevale della capitale», è stato esposto lo striscione «If the girls are united they will never walk alone!». «Indecorose e Libere» dà appuntamento anche a Milano a piazza Cordusio alle 17,30 dove verrà cantato l'inno «Sorelle di Tania» (invece che d'Italia), componimeto scherzoso ma non troppo che non manca di tirare qualche stilettata the organizers of the event on 13 February (http:// consultoriautogestita.wordpress.com /).
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