5) arbitration
the question of the right to strike and lock-outs may be linked to the arbitration of disputes work.
Arbitration optional, at the request of the parties, is beyond question. is a means which is also desirable that use is made of as much as possible, to prevent and avoid unrest and strikes that, in general, events are never desirable.
Some people, however, declare themselves partisans binding arbitration. We do not believe that the democratic state will accept this method, which is the prohibition of the right to strike and requires the establishment of costly new bureaucratic organizations.
The compulsory arbitration is incompatible with the principle of freedom and is also very doubtful efficacy that no one could prevent a democratic regime in the working people involved di respingere la soluzione imposta dall'arbitro e di effettuare ugualmente lo sciopero.
L'arbitrato può essere efficace, ed impegnativo per le parti, solo quando queste vi accedono volontariamente.
Arbitration optional, at the request of the parties, is beyond question. is a means which is also desirable that use is made of as much as possible, to prevent and avoid unrest and strikes that, in general, events are never desirable.
Some people, however, declare themselves partisans binding arbitration. We do not believe that the democratic state will accept this method, which is the prohibition of the right to strike and requires the establishment of costly new bureaucratic organizations.
The compulsory arbitration is incompatible with the principle of freedom and is also very doubtful efficacy that no one could prevent a democratic regime in the working people involved di respingere la soluzione imposta dall'arbitro e di effettuare ugualmente lo sciopero.
L'arbitrato può essere efficace, ed impegnativo per le parti, solo quando queste vi accedono volontariamente.
7) Sindacato di Stato o sindacato libero?
Il primo problema da risolvere è quello della natura del sindacato, dato che dalla soluzione di questo problema pregiudiziale discende quella di tutti gli altri che ne sono connessi.
Su questo problema si sono manifestate nel paese e nella stampa due tendenze estreme; l'una propone il sindacato quale ente di diritto pubblico, giuridicamente riconosciuto dallo Stato e sottoposto al controllo delle autorità guardianship, the other proposes free trade union, that will have no legal relationship with the state, while remaining very nearly in the same location that had the Italian trade unions in the pre-Fascist period.
Between these two extreme tendencies, we can be a middle position, which satisfies the objective requirements posed from both position and eliminate at least most of the serious problems that have both. The union
State looks technically like the one that offers the easiest and most comfortable of all the problems related to social relationships and work. In fact, this type of union is the total negation of the true union workers what is commonly conceived, is incompatible with the elementary principles of freedom and that is impossible in a democratic regime, which assumes the voluntary exercise of rights.
Su questo problema si sono manifestate nel paese e nella stampa due tendenze estreme; l'una propone il sindacato quale ente di diritto pubblico, giuridicamente riconosciuto dallo Stato e sottoposto al controllo delle autorità guardianship, the other proposes free trade union, that will have no legal relationship with the state, while remaining very nearly in the same location that had the Italian trade unions in the pre-Fascist period.
Between these two extreme tendencies, we can be a middle position, which satisfies the objective requirements posed from both position and eliminate at least most of the serious problems that have both. The union
State looks technically like the one that offers the easiest and most comfortable of all the problems related to social relationships and work. In fact, this type of union is the total negation of the true union workers what is commonly conceived, is incompatible with the elementary principles of freedom and that is impossible in a democratic regime, which assumes the voluntary exercise of rights.
In fact, the union state automatically mean union unique, mandatory, with mandatory contributions and a more or less tight control of the state. This type of union government, as we see, is very much akin to the fascist. The fact of the election of directors by the shareholders, while representing a significant improvement compared to the fascist union, not only would change the character of the union, compulsory, free of new life, heavy, expensive, inefficient, hated by the broad working masses , as were the pseudo syndicates. The incompatibility of such a review by the principles of democracy is put more light on the fact that, to achieve it, we should change the right of association and controlled every aspect of the obligation to pay their taxes!
We doubt, moreover, that the Assembly has the constitutional right to dictate to the workers union, which requires a sort of requirements equivalent to the loss of true freedom of association, without which the workers themselves-who are most directly affected, have been called to rule explicitly and freely about it.
We doubt, moreover, that the Assembly has the constitutional right to dictate to the workers union, which requires a sort of requirements equivalent to the loss of true freedom of association, without which the workers themselves-who are most directly affected, have been called to rule explicitly and freely about it.
We believe that the union, to effectively discharge its duties, to be able to defend effectively to the economic, moral and professional workers, it is essential that it is free, voluntary, autonomous, independent. In a democracy, the workers must be absolutely free to join or not to pay any organization and whether or not their contributions.
This is the only kind of union that exists in all free and democratic countries, this is the only kind of union to comply with the principles of democracy, and the only possible in a truly democratic state.
It must be concluded, as do some, that we must return to free trade union type of pre-fascist, not having any legal form? Do not believe it.
This is the only kind of union that exists in all free and democratic countries, this is the only kind of union to comply with the principles of democracy, and the only possible in a truly democratic state.
It must be concluded, as do some, that we must return to free trade union type of pre-fascist, not having any legal form? Do not believe it.
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