Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Get Nauseous When Using Tampons



Recommindation In The Culinary

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hearts & Country: Spring in the garden

Care amiche, sarete tutte d’accordo con me nel pensare che ogni stagione dell’anno abbia il proprio fascino e la sua particolare bellezza. Finalmente il rigido inverno sta cedendo il passo alla dolce primavera; ebbene, sì… ormai ci siamo, manca davvero poco all’arrivo della stagione da me più amata!!!

Gli alberi cominciano a fiorire, gli uccelli si spostano verso le zone più calde e i cieli si colorano “di sole e d’azzurro”.
Le piante e i fiori fanno parte della nostra life and I think the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a flower garden, worthy of admiration, whose very sight can warm your heart, fascinates us all.

course, to make this happen, many are needed loving care and attention, as well as plenty of time to dedicate patiently.

The love of country style hospitality, which I mentioned last week, are attracted by the idea of \u200b\u200bentering a house where reigns a constant spring but the feeling of calm and serenity that transmit well decorated homes can also be developed to the outside of the house.

fact, those who have a home decorated in this style and could have a garden and decorated in country style, to this end, you need to follow the easy steps.

First, the lawn should always be cut in the style of English gardens and have lush plants must choose those rich in leaves and flowers.

On the structure of pergolas and gazebos can be placed flowers and climbing plants, particularly suited to create an environment surrounded by greenery, the latter can be directly buried or planted in pots large enough to ensure robust growth.

All the furniture of the country gardens should be made of wrought iron, painted in different pastel colors, but the wood is particularly suitable, best left in its natural, since it gives a great sense of familiarity.

tables, chairs and sofas, wrought iron are particularly suitable when finely decorated that it seems almost like lace. Can not miss cushions made of soft white, ivory or pastel shades, in addition to making the session more comfortable, give that extra touch to the environment, making it particularly comfortable, just as we got to talk about in my previous post, mostly just the pillows.

Perfect for a garden decorated in country style is rocking, so loved by children but also adults, that brings elegance and taste slightly retro nostalgic for the past like myself. It should also be rigorously wrought iron, or by location on the lawn below the porch where we were, enriching it with very thick cushions e morbidi.

Se il giardino è abbastanza esteso, lo si può impreziosire con fontane decorate a motivi floreali e con panchine, anch’esse particolarmente indicate nello stile country.

Un ultimo suggerimento : ricordate che in giardino l’arredamento country chic o inglese, il country romantico e il country classico possono fondersi tra di loro arrivando così a creare ambienti gradevoli per trascorrere ore serene e rilassanti, ed ammirare estasiati il meraviglioso spettacolo che la natura offers us. But the thing that should never be overlooked, is the cultivation of our inner garden, with all the care and love possible, and in so doing, will reign in our lives always in the spring!
conclude with a gift for "hostess", who loves this

's spring and then again as
a voice say, "let other projects too long, enrich your time and do not try to let go most of the daily bread of life and non disperarti mai" …primavera
(Luca Carboni)

A martedì prossimo


Monday, March 14, 2011

Where To Get Nitrous Whippets

Poll: Do you support the return of Ferrara on TV?

published the results of the poll in a week.

Do you support a transmission of Giuliano Ferrara Rai?

Sports Reporters Salary

solidarity 'to the Japanese people ... The blog is available to

blog coordinamentosir and solidarity with all the Japanese people for the earthquake and tsunami that hit the country, coordination and close to all those families who lost loved ones in this tragic event and hope that the Japanese people can find the strength to Rials and return to more 'normal life soon ...
blog offers its pages to any action you want to advertise for help Japanese people.

Touching Sister Boobs

Japan earthquake: Risk fallout

ANSA) - ROMA, 13 MAR - After the incidents in central Fukushima, Japan fears that radioactive material, now pushed eastward over the Pacific, it could fall to the ground with the rain, waiting for tomorrow night. This is what being repeated at this time Japanese television, as reported by the Italian biologist Matthew Guerrero of the National Research Council (CNR), who lives in Tokyo for 8 months. "On every TV - ANSA said Guerrini - Experts advise not to go out, except with towels or mask over his mouth, not to be exposed to rain, wash hands and face when you return home and not to eat vegetables grown at ' open. For the Italian researcher, "The most significant spread from the TV and the steam power stations damaged by contaminated. " From biologist adds: "It is essential not come into contact with contaminated material and, if it continues to leak steam is important not to expose himself to the rain." So far the weather has been nice, but the forecast for rain tomorrow night announce. "Here - added - every TV network has an expert dedicated to information on nuclear and on the TV there is a real marathon of experts working to explain what is happening in the central damaged after the earthquake on Friday. In Japan - he adds - the nuclear debate has begun when the plants have been built. "

Crushing Canine Papilloma Virus

Romance (Silvia - Popcorn Garland)

Buongiorno alla lettrici di Apple pie, love for details.
Serve che mi presento? Dai ormai mi conoscete..
Our Diana is in the mountains .. Ah blessed her ........
We are here, who work, those on the books but you think:) Today
asked me to keep you company ..

And so I decided to talk about romance ... my way!
What is romance to you?

For me this is ....

We do not want blatant declarations of love .. .. cakes or giant banners!
As with all things, or so my motto is Just a little!
Small gestures, small accessories that make life everyday lighter .. or at least we try!

If good day starts in the morning .. wake up in an environment like that makes everything better.

I like the colors, accessories, romantic and cheerful ..

I did not have a house for me and then all my dreams are just for the moment!

But dreaming does not cost anything ..

My house will be super romantic!

I have so many photos in my store .. to show you in this matter.

I have only a few choices ..

(Credits: Jars, Us Photo , Cake toppers with , "Have a heart" string ,
Kitchen 1, Kitchen 2 , Kitchen Aid, Royal Pink , Pillow )

What do you think?

Thanks for inviting me Diana, you always have nice words for me and my blog!
nice day girls!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Desi Treatment For Dry Coughfive Month Baby



On February 26, 2011 FISASCAT-CISL and UIL-Uiltucs have put their signature on the assumption of agreement to renew the contract of work in national trade / services sector expired on 31/12/2010 and that if renewed will be valid until 31/12/2013.
If you are a worker or a worker, the industry trade / services, or if you are a simple Italian citizen who still believe in democracy, fill out the form below to send an e-mail to the secretaries of FISASCAT-CISL and UIL-Uiltucs requiring The agreement is subject to the binding opinion of the workers concerned.
In a country democratic, few people can not and should not decide, or as in this case, to jeopardize the future of about 2 million workers (and their families) without having had the mandate from them.
go to this site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Long To Get Risperdal Out Of Body

Myths # 1

Of the many clichés that I happen to find around the web .. .

The Lord of the Rings

Where is the missing link? Yeah ... where? The photo che ho postato sopra l'avrete vista tutti almeno una volta nella vita. Ne esistono di molto più dettagliate. A me non sembra che ci siano delle lacune. E non sembra nemmeno ai paleoantropologi. I vari generi ( Homo, Australopitecus ) e specie ( afarensis, erectus, abilis, ecc) sono categorie puramente indicative, che servono ad aiutare (Aiutare? Cazzo, non fanno altro che litigare se un nuovo reperto va categorizzato come Homo o Australopitecus!) i ricercatori nello studio dei nostri progenitori. Tra l'altro il concetto di “anello mancante” presuppone una visione lineare dell' evoluzionismo , quando invece è impossibile stabilire delle discendenze dirette: padre, son. While the other hand (holding the family metaphor) is more appropriate to speak of "cousins." In essence there are no lineages, but "bush" of evolution, with a mess of combinations. Enough of this bullshit of the missing link! They even named a new species of hominid, which is strongly related with the 'Homo sapiens , Hobbit. Perhaps the basic problem lies in the kind of readings of the youth researchers.

Islamic fundamentalists are anti-Semitic

I am not an anthropologist, I apologize if I find the most appropriate terms, but the Semites are a very large human category, which includes mainly Arabs and Jews ... guess a bit 'of that religion are the majority of them. Crap shoot when the Iranian president denying the Holocaust, it does not because it is anti-Semitic, it is because Israel is planing for decades and threatens the Palestinian people together with the American friends of his country's sovereignty. Sure, there are different ways ... in fact, there are different ways: the stop cock to piss off the Palestinians and recognize a state. They are Semites too.

The truth lies somewhere in between

E 'the power that lies somewhere in between, the original sentence is to Aristotle, * which will certainly not be happy to see transformed a pearl of wisdom as this, in a hot, steaming, bullshit.

If I measure a table and found that it is one meter high, but there comes another one that says "I measure two, at best one of them was drunk, in the worst one of them is Gasparri. The truth is always waiting to be measured and, if possible, be a teetotaler.

"But Popper said that truth is a lie, he says." Yes, because in the absence of conclusive evidence one can only speculate, the limit may be present theories or models that help to come closer to reality. Maybe get one that says "1.000009 meters measure the table," another argues instead that the measure 0.999999 meters. But if it supports "measures 2 meters" the law my grandfather said to send him to hell.

To tell the truth (it's appropriate to say it?) The term ... truth, is often used improperly.

The truth is beyond our interface consists of the five senses. In these ways we interact with the truth, which continues to be one. Unless you're the chairman of the board, you can not make a truth ad personam also we are all human, so we all have the same interface. Anyone who sees ghosts, the madonnas or speak with the dead ... it's schizophrenic! Point. No one has special access to truth.

I said, we all have the same interface, so all we can measure reality. The reality is the product of our analysis that the interface obtained by exploring the truth. The same Popper provides ways to do essentially, theories must be open to rebuttal: I have to check what support and make predictions that allow anyone to refute them.

Evolution is real? Very well then I'll never find the fossil of a dinosaur where to find the geological strata of the early hominids, or amphibians. Here is a theory open to refutation, in fact anyone found a dinosaur next to a hominid evolutionary theory would break down mercilessly .**

The atheist who asks him sbattezzamento is in contradiction

Not more than a Church that does not bother to delete from the lists parish who does not believe in his religion. And under a bloated inventory of so-called faithful also claims to be exempt from tax.

Here we are faced with a serious conceptual error, as a result of incorrect advertising campaign. In fact, the UAAR *** provides modules (written by lawyers lots of cocks) to request the cancellation consistent from parish lists, a coherence that should be reciprocal, this should be an interest of the Church have true believers in its ranks. According to belief, not baptism can be deleted as well ... but even an atheist (just) do not care. So myself an atheist "sbattezzato" rejects the unfounded accusation of inconsistency the sender.

I invite all to make a detour on the site UAAR ... I do it in the interests of the Church.

* "In medio stat virtus." Although Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (mesons you kai Ariston "The medium is the best thing") and then Horace in the Satires (est modus in rebus "is a measure in things") had expressed a similar concept, this phrase dating the medieval scholastic philosophers, as can be seen by the shift of meaning of "virtus" from the original Latin for "value". Its meaning is that we must avoid extremes, and try to find a middle ground. (Wikipedia)

** For the truth of evolution is a fact now law. Indeed, it is now irrefutable, such as "2 +2 = 4" with good peace of creationists. ***

Union Atheists, Agnostics and Rationalists.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Formula To You Get On Wic

from the film ... "bread and freedom '"


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Color On Bottom Of Beer Can

The children of the uprising ("Trains of happiness")

304 Stainless Sailboat

united' and freedom 'union in the constitution .... Giuseppe Di Vittorio


5) arbitration
the question of the right to strike and lock-outs may be linked to the arbitration of disputes work.
Arbitration optional, at the request of the parties, is beyond question. is a means which is also desirable that use is made of as much as possible, to prevent and avoid unrest and strikes that, in general, events are never desirable.
Some people, however, declare themselves partisans binding arbitration. We do not believe that the democratic state will accept this method, which is the prohibition of the right to strike and requires the establishment of costly new bureaucratic organizations.
The compulsory arbitration is incompatible with the principle of freedom and is also very doubtful efficacy that no one could prevent a democratic regime in the working people involved di respingere la soluzione imposta dall'arbitro e di effettuare ugualmente lo sciopero.
L'arbitrato può essere efficace, ed impegnativo per le parti, solo quando queste vi accedono volontariamente.
7) Sindacato di Stato o sindacato libero?
Il primo problema da risolvere è quello della natura del sindacato, dato che dalla soluzione di questo problema pregiudiziale discende quella di tutti gli altri che ne sono connessi.
Su questo problema si sono manifestate nel paese e nella stampa due tendenze estreme; l'una propone il sindacato quale ente di diritto pubblico, giuridicamente riconosciuto dallo Stato e sottoposto al controllo delle autorità guardianship, the other proposes free trade union, that will have no legal relationship with the state, while remaining very nearly in the same location that had the Italian trade unions in the pre-Fascist period.
Between these two extreme tendencies, we can be a middle position, which satisfies the objective requirements posed from both position and eliminate at least most of the serious problems that have both. The union
State looks technically like the one that offers the easiest and most comfortable of all the problems related to social relationships and work. In fact, this type of union is the total negation of the true union workers what is commonly conceived, is incompatible with the elementary principles of freedom and that is impossible in a democratic regime, which assumes the voluntary exercise of rights.
In fact, the union state automatically mean union unique, mandatory, with mandatory contributions and a more or less tight control of the state. This type of union government, as we see, is very much akin to the fascist. The fact of the election of directors by the shareholders, while representing a significant improvement compared to the fascist union, not only would change the character of the union, compulsory, free of new life, heavy, expensive, inefficient, hated by the broad working masses , as were the pseudo syndicates. The incompatibility of such a review by the principles of democracy is put more light on the fact that, to achieve it, we should change the right of association and controlled every aspect of the obligation to pay their taxes!
We doubt, moreover, that the Assembly has the constitutional right to dictate to the workers union, which requires a sort of requirements equivalent to the loss of true freedom of association, without which the workers themselves-who are most directly affected, have been called to rule explicitly and freely about it.
We believe that the union, to effectively discharge its duties, to be able to defend effectively to the economic, moral and professional workers, it is essential that it is free, voluntary, autonomous, independent. In a democracy, the workers must be absolutely free to join or not to pay any organization and whether or not their contributions.
This is the only kind of union that exists in all free and democratic countries, this is the only kind of union to comply with the principles of democracy, and the only possible in a truly democratic state.
It must be concluded, as do some, that we must return to free trade union type of pre-fascist, not having any legal form? Do not believe it.

Scorpio Man Interested

One year Apple Pie! Do the numeriiiiiiii ... and gifts!

Oh mom, but I am so excited!
Thursday 11 March 2010, around 17 I was on my old sofa
in my old apartment, with my old netbook "Plum"
(oh yes .. I baptize my stuff ...
for anyone still doubts on my mental integrity
! ;))
resting on the legs. After two to three hours of tests with the design of
Blogger, after a brief recollection of ideas
threw down the first post .. This


Mamma mia .. how exciting my first post!
Even though I know I am probably the only one to read it (for now;)) are equally excited!
discuss this blog?
a beautiful and good things! Mostly furniture shabby chic, country, Provencal, Gustavian kitchen ... but also, because to live well you have to have a soul, but also satisfied belly! ;) If we will meet the eyes with something nice ... will be the best! Infuse I think they're the details that make a difference, put a candle in the right place .. but also a sprinkling of cinnamon where no one would dare!
Through images I will try to bring warmth, color and fragrance ... and I hope you are well in my garden in winter! after hearing this fragrance? It 's almost ready for the Apple Pie .. ; D "

A few hours later I received the first comment, that of the legendary Sarah Shabby Chic Interiors !
My first follower was the wonderful Anne of Lovely Home
Top 10 followers were
Anna Maria Cristina Sara
Ramy (my mom)
Francesca, ex waistcoat;)
Apple (my Meletta!)

Do you know how happy you feel when you arrive early readers?!
It is certain in the heart have found someone to share something.
I found much more ... Many of you have entered the
heart alcune di voi sono diventate mie amiche.

This year I wrote 222 post (I like even numbers!)
I have received 12 awards
I found 423 pious souls willing to follow public my blog
I reached the 80,000 contacts (I'll get right now!)
many of these come from Italy ... but my words were read
in the U.S., Germany, France , Spain, Switzerland, England,
Poland, the Netherlands, Canada ... so thanks to google translator! ;)

In these 365 giorni ho ricevuto molto di più di quello che mi
aspettavo. Forse perché non mi aspettavo nulla...
volevo buttarmi in questa avventura per condividere una passione,
per aver modo di passare un po' del mio tempo in un mondo solo mio...
E in cambio siete arrivati voi!
Ricordo la prima mail di Michy che mi faceva i complimenti e mi chiedeva
di aiutarla ad iscriversi e a commentare...
Ricordo l'entusiasmo di Annarita, la schiettezza di Mari,
la dolcezza di Francesca, la riservatezza di Silvia...
i primi commenti di Anna, Marina e Maria Cristina, Mara, Zaira, Irene, Lara... The
first meeting with a guild of you ..!
Each of you, when I go from here to leave an imprint in my heart.
is why I strongly wanted to at least 3
you receive a small gift ...
Are you ready to know who are the three people who won the giveaway?!

The first is the wonderful and extracted
volcanic March-Sofia is Shabby Chic!
(Marzia are so happy for you ..
your first giveaway!)
You can choose between 3 necklaces ...

The second is extracted Mara Home Home Shabby!
Maretta, I'm glad .. you are also one of the first follower
.. maybe just the ' but 11!
You can choose between 2 necklaces after Marcia has chosen her!

And the third is extracted Anna Make Yourself at Home ,
Anna, did you see?! The follower 200 and your breakfast
brought you good!
A necklace that you'll have the choice to remain after the
Marcia, and Mara.

My dear Ladies also send your address and your preferences

All other wish you a fantastic weekend!
(I will not be there next week .. but you do not miss
have some surprises in Serbia for you ... the holiday continuaaaaaaaaa)

Templates For Shoes That Make You Taller

Berlusconi and his reform .. .

Rome March 10 (TMNews) - has nothing to do with the Rubygate is not punitive to the judiciary and reform represents a "historic". Silvio Berlusconi, speaking at a press conference, said that constitutional reform was approved today by the Justice Council of Ministers and presented to journalists at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi: it is a reform "which we think since 1994."

Already during the cabinet meeting the Prime Minister had stressed the approach of legislative intervention, "E 'in the government program, it was necessary and it is not against anyone." In short, this is a "turning point". Then, in front of the press, the Knight after apologizing for "the look" (Striking the patch to the speech), has retraced the reform project, divided into ten laws and to ensure "due process". Hard, even if already expressed in many circumstances, the concept of separation of careers: "The prosecutor will act as the lawyer, knock on the door of the court, with hat in hand and possibly give him of her."
A necessary reform, according to Berlusconi: if it had been approved 20 years ago "probably would have been an invasion in the field of policy by the judiciary, and there were situations that led to the change of governments in the attempt current through the courts to remove the current government. " Prime Minister si è detto aperto a ragionare anche con l'opposizione (anche perché le novità introdotte "per 50 anni sono stati i temi e le battaglie della sinistra"), affidando ad Angelino Alfano il compito di ambasciatore.
Per il resto, il presidente del Consiglio ha ribadito di voler essere presente in Aula nei processi che lo vedono imputato, a partire da quello Ruby: "Voglio prendere la soddisfazione di partecipare alle udienze". Nessuna scorciatoia legislativa all'orizzonte, ha concluso, neanche il 'processo breve': "Non mi sono mai occupato di queste leggi".

Where Can I Buy Zorro Costume In The Philippines

Documentary Drugs in American schools with a vengeance

visible only if you logged in with a google account

In the United States is circulated in schools where a documentary compares the mug shots of prisoners before and after the use of drugs. This is a puzzling initiative, which just shows the ignorance and poverty of those who invented it. We analyze the photos, we report here some observations yourself looking at the picture gallery you can make your own opinion.

Photo 1., Always better than Hillary Clinton without make-up.
Photo 3. The only thing that changes is the fear of the prisoners, who continues to be a beautiful woman, make-up, and actually could risparmiarsela, seen in the photo is crying. Cops of shit!
Photo 4. But it is very nice! I prefer it that way.
Photo 5., Bad and ugly was still ... Gasparri should see!
Photo 7. Now seems one of Rolling Stone, cuccherà lot.
Photo 8., Idem as 3. I think it is improved.
Photo 9. Is not beautiful, not less is definitely more beautiful than the mother who disclosed the picture.
Photo 10. Here is even better! (Strong doubts that this is the same person)
Photo 11., Idem as 3. The 8., And 10.
Photo 13., Ditto.
Photo 14., Idem, but I'd use the Topexan I were you.
Photo 15., Idem, and I think it is always better than the father of the man who discovered the photos.
Photo 16., Ditto + + Topexan cop shit, do not send photos of women terrified and in tears.
Photo 18., According to them the problem here is obviously that the detainee has become more black.
Photo 19., The same as the 11, etc..
Photo 21., Ditto.

Lombrosian this shit does not surprise me in a country where a person who teaches the evolution threatens lawsuit in certain institutes. I also curious about some signs that these detainees in the face, seem to be bad marks left from cigarette butts. But it is only an opinion, without foundation, not a dermatologist.

However, DISGUSTORAMA. People should be informed, not scared, encouraging prejudice based on physical appearance.

We have 21 pictures, 16 of which are questionable, congratulations ... "very scientific." To tell the truth are all questionable, because this type of faces are not unique to those who use drugs , make such campaigns in schools means spreading prejudice based on physical appearance which certainly are based on a distorted view of life, where the second what the dominant culture has become synonymous with bad disease, something that keeps up the chain of consumption. Encourage teenagers in this predisposition means producing a population of potential voters, and doped silicon, which will decide on the basis of appearances, and fears of the moment.

More than anything else this crap is an insult to human dignity . Do you have anything different (besides the fact that images are in color) compared to Nazi eugenic documentaries.

I really hope that someone there will notice, and protest vigorously. Image 3. in particular, cries out for vengeance!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does Nordstroms Sell Authentic True Religion

A bolt has never been so fascinating: The industrial chic.

The first time I saw them I was in a large store
furniture .. (And where I was wanted?)

and it was love at first sight!

Ok, it is unusual and different style
to which we are accustomed, but has its charms ..
not you think?
Perhaps more men might like,
suitable for a high-ceilinged loft ...

The thing I like is the combination of industrial parts,
therefore a bit 'cold ..

objects and vintage furniture, hot ...

The colors of the environment are industrial chic
clear, natural colors tend to ...

The steel is bound to the wood, a bit 'like the yin and yan ...
hot and cold are balanced.

industrial lamps

shelves iron

steel shelving

springs and bolts

and even cabinets and drawers!

I think I will look with new eyes industrial supplies!

Happy Thursday everyone!