Bonjour madame and mademoiselle
Did you like my greeting? It is no coincidence .. was specifically chosen to introduce the topic of oggi.Quando I had the chance to write for the first time Diana's blog, I mentioned in my presentation to some of my passions, among them a love of Provence , a ancient land of the south of France dotted with fields of lavender, fragrant and beautiful flowers, thanks to which it became famous throughout the world.
Adoro tutto ciò che è color lavanda, dai fiori stessi ai vestiti e agli accessori personali, ma, soprattutto, ciò che concerne l’arredamento.Ogni tanto, scherzando, ma mica poi tanto…diciamo “un po’ per celia e un po’ per non morir” immagino di essere stata una provenzale in una vita passata.Mi viene difficile descrivere le emozioni che provo ammirando quei paesaggi e quella vegetazione particolare, mi sembra una terra così soave…non a caso, è soprannominata la “douce Provence” . Ho scritto mi sembra perché, purtoppo, pur essendo stata in Francia, non ho potuto, ancora, realizzare il mio desiderio di visitarla ma spero che possa happen very soon.
Meanwhile .. dream!
dream And as if trying to reconstruct, as far as possible, some in my little corner of Provence beloved house?
Or, rather, by inserting pieces of furniture, accessories and print a few here and there that remind me a bit 'this land so special to me.
As you certainly understood the argument that the deal now is furniture country of Provence. Even in this country-style furnishings, as for others, the furniture is made of wood and have a particular "experience", despite being sober, elegant and cozy at the same time, characteristics valued by the roundness of forms which give that softness Necessary.
But what characterizes the country style of Provence, Unlike other styles of country, is the presence of mainly pastel shades of blue and tending to violet, which resemble the colors of the Provence countryside from which this style has its origini.Possono be some small pieces of furniture made entirely in these lacquers with pastel colors and can be decorated with floral motifs typical of Provence, but also with other naturalistic motifs and animals, always maintaining the pastel shades. Recur in the same tone furnishings, but also in the accessories of daily use, such as cups, trays, plates, etc..
country in the style of Provence are very much the furnishings made of wrought iron that can be left in its natural color, painted in white and ivory, or always in pastel shades, to adapt better to the rest of 'arredamento.Per consider a Provencal country house style is also necessary curarne odors.
Provence is in fact a region in which colors and scents blend tra di loro, creando un'armonia senza pari, ecco, quindi, che potrete disporre in ogni angolo della casa pout pourry e sacchetti profumati per la biancheria, ovviamente rigorosamente alla lavanda e, quando entrerete nella vostra profumatissima casetta, dopo un giorno fuori casa, a lavoro o per le strade della città dove, purtroppo, si sono persi i profumi della natura, predominando i terribili odori che inquinano il nostro ambiente, non ci resta che abbandonarci ad una fragranza aromatica che ci dà la sensazione di fresco e pulito.Arrivederci alla prossima settimana dalla vostra lavandevole Annarita!!!
Ehm .. Cof cof cof
... ... ... Diana are saaalve
Sorry for the intrusion but I would like to remind readers to participate in the
disappears ...
Pufffff ... ...
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