Monday, February 28, 2011

2010portable Dvd Usb Player Discussions

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hearts & Country: Little Women

Happy Tuesday "small amiche”.
Spesso dico di avere bisogno di una giornata di 48 ore, dato che sono una moglie e mamma di due bambine, lavoratrice full time. Se veramente la giornata fosse così lunga ne farei di cose, eccome! Indubbiamente trascorrerei più tempo con la mia famiglia, preparerei
più dolci, leggerei di più, e ne dedicherei tanto alla mia amata casetta.
La casa… cos’altro non è la cas a se non uno degli elementi più importanti del nostro mondo, del nostro vivere? Credo che la casa sia al centro dei pensieri di tutti, sia per chi vive da solo, sia per chi vive in famiglia.
Nella storia della letteratura sono stati, e continuano ad essere, così tanti i libri che hanno focalizzato l’attenzione sulle case e sulle loro atmosfere, che è veramente difficile sceglierne il più rappresentativo ma, assecondando il mio gusto personale, oggi vi parlerò di una delle case più calde e accoglienti mai raccontate.
A descriverla è stata una delle scrittrici più apprezzate al mondo e dalla sottoscritta: Louisa May Alcott , che divenne famosa per aver scritto “ Piccole donne ”, da sempre uno dei miei libri preferiti e sul quale sono stati fatti tanti adattamenti al cinema, on TV and even cartoons.

I liked all the versions, although I prefer that of 1949.Ambientato in America, tells the story of Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, the four March sisters, different in appearance and character. Growing up with dad, a strong man, and this protection, despite the distance due to the civil war, which defines its gently "Little Women" with the wise and loving mother, able to relate to the four daughters, so different ' each other and with the faithful and loving home Anna.

Page after page, the writer introduces us to several characters of fundamental importance for us to learn more about the protagonists, such as the young neighbor Laurie and his grandfather, the country gentleman, Sir Laurence, and many others.

When I read this book, besides myself in love with almost all the characters and the outdoors, I was particularly impressed that the writer, with simple words, familiar scenes in the ribs 'home where the protagonists spend their hard-working days, leaving plenty of room for memories of their childhood living in a room which, although modest, is to be warm and cozy, an old couch on which he played to make the fight, a carpet "consumed" by the time some good pictures on the walls, furniture pulled a shiny, old piano so loved Beth, around which the whole family gathers to hear sweet melodies play, many books and flowers at the windows.

The house is not very large, yet each has a place of population and its "intimate", such as the armchair in which my mother loves to sit, study of the father, the angle in the attic where Jo, writing stories, and gets on the apron fingers with ink, the cabinet in which Beth keeps her beloved dolls, old stools, curtains, always fresh and crisp, the windows open to let in freely strictly the sun on hot spring days, and closed only when in winter snowing that the March sisters, with his nose pressed to the windows, enthusiastic admiration, waiting to stop flocking to go out and play!

"Again they turned back before turning the corner,
because the mother was always at the window to nod and smile, waving his hand ...."
(Louisa May Alcott)

"March Home" is nothing but a nest of good feelings, the home par excellence, one in which everyone ends up wanting to shelter, although it is not a luxury home, but modest, and all the objects described are not only "old", but loved and lived, unlike the big house next door Lawrence, which, though full of convenience, not a house where, as they say all 'beginning of the book, feel laughter, so much so that Laurie, the young and wealthy resident, peeping secretly the nearby to steal a bit 'of family warmth.

So dear friends, decorate our homes in a country style, country of Provence, old America, shabby chic, just like most desire arrediamole but we really feel our heart because a house is made of so many things but what we must have to be home really is only so much amore!!!

“Preferirei sapervi spose felici di "poveri diavoli" o persino zitelle rispettabili, invece che regine di un regno senza amore e senza felicità."
(Louisa May Alcott)

A martedì prossimo


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