Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reebok Heart Rate Monitor Instruction Manual

Hello! First
all let me thank everyone who commented yesterday
the post with a sweetness and warmth
that left me speechless!

Then come to us ...
You know I do not I program (almost) nothing in life
therefore very often decide what to do at the last minute!
Now I would be grateful if taaanto made me see that they are not the only one, because otherwise no
the gossips were right!
(and even if macchissenefregaaaaa ...)

Of course sometimes it is a bit risky because
you find yourself having to make last minute with my heart in my throat, but a little
'adrenaline never hurts! ^ _-

For example, say between 4 and only 4 days Valentine .
Granted that's not really a party felt rather
great excuse to go out for a romantic dinner ...

But you, you have already prepared a gift to bring out
Monday night? I have been preparing?

I do not even have thought ...

(la collana qui sotto è un messaggio subliminale per i maschietti che ci
leggono... Il mio non mi legge, perciò farò felice qualcun'altra! ^_- )

Dicevo, io non ci ho pensato, ma ieri ho visto questo
segnalibro...ed ho pensato che non avendo molto tempo
sarebbe il regalino perfetto per Mr Husband!
L'idea è di Martha Stewart, manco a dirlo!
Se volete farlo anche voi, leggete qui .

Anche disegnare un bel biglietto
è una bella idea...

.. if you know how to draw!

hearts and brings bon bon?! I
fills them with chocolates with chilli ...

.. and the evening would take another turn immediately!
Eh ... I know I said that it is a party which I have, but I
but said it was a good excuse ...
^ _-

Happy Thursday everyone!


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