Monday, February 28, 2011

2010portable Dvd Usb Player Discussions

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hearts & Country: Little Women

Happy Tuesday "small amiche”.
Spesso dico di avere bisogno di una giornata di 48 ore, dato che sono una moglie e mamma di due bambine, lavoratrice full time. Se veramente la giornata fosse così lunga ne farei di cose, eccome! Indubbiamente trascorrerei più tempo con la mia famiglia, preparerei
più dolci, leggerei di più, e ne dedicherei tanto alla mia amata casetta.
La casa… cos’altro non è la cas a se non uno degli elementi più importanti del nostro mondo, del nostro vivere? Credo che la casa sia al centro dei pensieri di tutti, sia per chi vive da solo, sia per chi vive in famiglia.
Nella storia della letteratura sono stati, e continuano ad essere, così tanti i libri che hanno focalizzato l’attenzione sulle case e sulle loro atmosfere, che è veramente difficile sceglierne il più rappresentativo ma, assecondando il mio gusto personale, oggi vi parlerò di una delle case più calde e accoglienti mai raccontate.
A descriverla è stata una delle scrittrici più apprezzate al mondo e dalla sottoscritta: Louisa May Alcott , che divenne famosa per aver scritto “ Piccole donne ”, da sempre uno dei miei libri preferiti e sul quale sono stati fatti tanti adattamenti al cinema, on TV and even cartoons.

I liked all the versions, although I prefer that of 1949.Ambientato in America, tells the story of Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, the four March sisters, different in appearance and character. Growing up with dad, a strong man, and this protection, despite the distance due to the civil war, which defines its gently "Little Women" with the wise and loving mother, able to relate to the four daughters, so different ' each other and with the faithful and loving home Anna.

Page after page, the writer introduces us to several characters of fundamental importance for us to learn more about the protagonists, such as the young neighbor Laurie and his grandfather, the country gentleman, Sir Laurence, and many others.

When I read this book, besides myself in love with almost all the characters and the outdoors, I was particularly impressed that the writer, with simple words, familiar scenes in the ribs 'home where the protagonists spend their hard-working days, leaving plenty of room for memories of their childhood living in a room which, although modest, is to be warm and cozy, an old couch on which he played to make the fight, a carpet "consumed" by the time some good pictures on the walls, furniture pulled a shiny, old piano so loved Beth, around which the whole family gathers to hear sweet melodies play, many books and flowers at the windows.

The house is not very large, yet each has a place of population and its "intimate", such as the armchair in which my mother loves to sit, study of the father, the angle in the attic where Jo, writing stories, and gets on the apron fingers with ink, the cabinet in which Beth keeps her beloved dolls, old stools, curtains, always fresh and crisp, the windows open to let in freely strictly the sun on hot spring days, and closed only when in winter snowing that the March sisters, with his nose pressed to the windows, enthusiastic admiration, waiting to stop flocking to go out and play!

"Again they turned back before turning the corner,
because the mother was always at the window to nod and smile, waving his hand ...."
(Louisa May Alcott)

"March Home" is nothing but a nest of good feelings, the home par excellence, one in which everyone ends up wanting to shelter, although it is not a luxury home, but modest, and all the objects described are not only "old", but loved and lived, unlike the big house next door Lawrence, which, though full of convenience, not a house where, as they say all 'beginning of the book, feel laughter, so much so that Laurie, the young and wealthy resident, peeping secretly the nearby to steal a bit 'of family warmth.

So dear friends, decorate our homes in a country style, country of Provence, old America, shabby chic, just like most desire arrediamole but we really feel our heart because a house is made of so many things but what we must have to be home really is only so much amore!!!

“Preferirei sapervi spose felici di "poveri diavoli" o persino zitelle rispettabili, invece che regine di un regno senza amore e senza felicità."
(Louisa May Alcott)

A martedì prossimo

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If a woman walks in a sensual or provocative, has some responsibility in the event there because even into temptation and sin. So a woman walking in a provocative or violent overreaction raises, sins into temptation.

are the words of Bishop Arduino Bertoldo, vescovo di Foligno. Per chi non lo conoscesse, ecco un paio di illuminanti esternazioni: l'aborto crea più vittime dei pochi preti pedofili ; Berlusconi ha fatto una ragazzata, a proposito del Rubygate


Funny Newborn Congratulation Messages

art.200-aumenti retributivi mensili (nuovo ccnl firmato dai soliti cisl e uil)

articolo del nuovo accordo del contratto nazionale firmato da cisl e da uil,questi sono gli aumenti salariali che vanno dal 1 gennaio 2011 al 1 ottobre 2013..ecco quanto avra' di aumento un 4 livello (86 euro) suddivisi...guardate bene il prospetto qui sotto...ecco a voi il famoso sistema ipca...

A decorrere dalle scadenze di seguito indicate verranno erogati i seguenti aumenti salariali non
Gli importi arretrati saranno erogati ai lavoratori in forza alla data di stipula del presente accordo
con la retribuzione del mese di marzo                                                                                                    Commencement Commencement Commencement Commencement Commencement Commencement Total

01/01/2011 01/09/2011 01/04/2012 10/01/2012 04/01/2013 01/10/2013


Q.) 17.36 II) 13.53 di accordo per il rinnovo del

Contratto Nazionale del Terziario Distribuzione Servizi

Dichiarazione di Franco Martini segretario generale

"La Filcams-Cgil non ha sottoscritto l’ipotesi di accordo per il rinnovo del Contratto Nazionale del Terziario Distribuzione Servizi, innanzitutto, per il fatto che l’intesa recepisce pienamente l’accordo separato del 22 gennaio 2009, sulla riforma del modello contrattuale. Oltre all’assunzione dell’Ipca, quale meccanismo di calcolo degli incrementi salariali, infatti, viene introdotto l’istituto delle deroghe, attraverso il quale la funzione del Ccnl viene indebolita. Inoltre, l’ipotesi sottoscritta assume i contenuti del collegato sul lavoro, sul quale la Cgil ha espresso analogo dissenso, a partire dalla certificazione.
Ma l’ipotesi di accordo contiene altri punti negativi, come quello relativo alla malattia, che prevede la fuoriuscita dall’Inps, attraverso il pagamento diretto da parte delle aziende ed il peggioramento della normativa sul pagamento dei primi tre giorni.
La stessa contrattazione di secondo livello esce ridotta e fortemente condizionata dalle deroghe, smentendo quello che era l’obiettivo primario dell’accordo separato sulla riforma del modello contrattuale.
Nel complesso, è un accordo che risente indubbiamente della crisi del settore, ma che scarica sul lavoro il suo costo principale, quando, on the contrary, the crisis itself would require a significant investment quality on the human factor.
At the same time, an agreement that is in the category of tertiary care, the tensions that have long characterized the framework of Association and who had so far spared the area. The
Filcams-CGIL now to ask other unions to refer the consultation of workers and workers concerned the draft agreement, the outcome of which will be considered bound. This test would be the most important democratic contribution to avoid the deterioration of a unitary experience, which in this sector has enabled the realization of important results unions. "
Federation workers
commerce tourism services

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Does Discharge Look Before Period

The social network for us LinkMyHome!

Alzi your hand if you do not have a passion for furniture!
(If you have not raised that we do on the Apple Pie? Ah, yes ... as always draws
mislead! But the recipes here are available only on Fridays ... ^ _-)

Hands up who has never wanted to be a fly
undisturbed in order to put in the homes of others ..
to study every detail, for inspiration or simply for curiosity

Here, without having to go to strange genetic interventions
someone gives us the opportunity to do so!
On the web was born just LinkMyHome ..
a social network for fans of the house, furniture, and much more!

LinkMyHome works a bit 'like other social networks, except that
on this platform is the protagonist of the house.
You sign up and you can publish your home (data, photos, news ..) if you want .. there is also the section
Market that gives you the opportunity to sell, trade or rent your home!
I will publish soon put that in my apartment rent,
who is looking for a house can contact me and see a preview ..

ingenious idea that someone has created a site like this ...
make friends and talk of houses, everyone brings their own style
and you can compare ...
If the aunt of America can not visit you for
see your new home with LinkMyHome
can even take a virtual tour of your home without getting up from his chair

So what do you think? Do you like the idea?
I have already met the people I know and I enrolled
certain groups of food (eheheh) and a group where people talk and
are exchanged ideas on the art of recycling ...
And since I'm looking for a house for next summer ...
I really think that this morning will find me here !

Happy Monday everyone! ^ _ ^

Borderless Printing Laser Printer

I attended an amazing amount of talented people.
click here and download this wonder.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Women In Swimming And Leotard


ACCIDENTS WORK: YOUNG WORKERS FROM SINKING BRIDGE AND DIE WAS ROMANIAN AND WORKED ON RAILWAY LINE ROME-NAPLES (Reuters ) - ROMA, 25 FEB - One worker, 25, crashed and died in front of two colleagues, after he fell from a bridge over the railway line Rome-Naples. It happened last night in Cisterna di Latina, where the young Romanian, was engaged in a logging operation. The worker fell from a height of several tens of meters around midnight and just hours later his body was recovered by teams of fighters Fire and specialists in mountain rescue river. The agents of the police are making inquiries of Cisterna to clarify the incident. (ANSA). SUN 25-FEB-11 12:46

Friday, February 25, 2011

Missed Period And Cervical Mucus


The director of a school in eighth grade boys also wanted to lie to the disabled on future releases
LONDON - A gesture of solidarity. Students at a middle school in Catanzaro refused to go on a trip with the institute, after the rejection by the executive to the participation of their disabled comrade-in-class teaching output. A publishing the story is Ida Mendicino, responsible for regional coordination to the education and Consultant National Tuberous Sclerosis Association office. "The parents of the boy, who suffers from Down syndrome - he explains - have had to resort to the police authority to enforce the right to education of their children, in line with the relevant legislation, in particular the ministerial memoranda which expressly argue that the trips are a crucial opportunity for the promotion of relational development and training of each student and for the implementation of the process of school integration of disabled students in the full exercise of the right to education. " story - After that episode, the second Mendicino, the manager 'has worsened their position when expressed teachers do not intend to authorize any future release of the student with Down syndrome and urged classmates not to bring to the attention of the boy on the dates of future tours and releases in programming this application, the poor the same to learn because of his genetic illness. " But the invitation was immediately turned down by other students, middle school boys, who have said they would rather give up despite all the trips to see not discriminated against their partner. "We tell willingly - Mendicino said - the incident occurred as important signal of change in a generation often accused of excessive individualism and lack a sense of solidarity. A praise to the boys of the institution including Catanzaro which proved true hope of maturation of the social fabric than the examples often come from the adult world. "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stem Cell Research Colloidal Silver

Nosebleed ... Sunshine & Ravioli

Yesterday when I went to take my kids to kindergarten, I noticed
in the garden there were so many cones that seemed to open flowers ..
I watched them as I walked with a fast pace ..
but faster pitch was thinking ... as always! When we left the
I pointed to my cakes and I asked them if
in the afternoon they had wanted to do a job ...
Turning cones in colorful flowers!

course agreed.

We got the aprons and we got on the brushes!
The cakes were very attracted to the thing but, being that
Princess Cakes , Did not appreciate the fact of having dirty and after a while '
has abandoned the job!
Indeed, the colors chosen by her brother were very challenging
and little pastel ...
(I myself have stained my fingers as I write!)

We started to brush ...
flower after flower.

I colored in white, of course,
the largest flowers ...
After completion of the flowers, we took the
wooden sticks. We have
colored green and then glued the flowers with some 'hot glue.
Finally we cut the leaves from
a green card.
And finally we have assembled everything!

My puppy had been transformed into a Dalmatian colored spots and was really happy!
I asked who wanted to give these flowers and told me to want to bring to her teacher.
(of course I smiled, but I got it for nothing ... well ^_^'!)

I wonder if her teacher will appreciate! Certainly it ...
but I, my grandmother and aunt would have appreciated Mus
loooong more! ^ _-

Looking facet that I am a doubt! O_O
That is not for the teacher but for a girlfriend!?
Oh mon Dieu! Reggettemi who are not ready to such thoughts ...

It takes me a tiramisu!
And today is Friday, and then prepare it together!


Coffee Cocoa powder to taste to taste (for children I do the barley coffee or chocolate milk)
500g mascarpone
4-6 eggs 120g sugar
gold biscuit type cookies (yes, I do it with this type of biscuits ...)


Prepare coffee (if it is for children the barley coffee or chocolate milk) as well as enough to drench the cookies.
Pour into a bowl and let cool. Whip the egg yolks with half the sugar until you get a nice mixture is light and creamy

work - but not too-with mascarpone a whisk until creamy and add always beating, the mixture of eggs and sugar already prepared.

Montate ora gli albumi a neve con un pizzico di sale, aggiungete la restante metà dello zucchero e, con un mestolo di legno, uniteli poco alla volta e delicatamente al composto di mascarpone e tuorli. Voilà la crema del tiramisù!

Adagiate in un contenitore i biscotti e iniziate a bagnarli nel caffè.
(Io li tuffo e li tolgo all'istante.
My tiramisu has the characteristic of being very compact and all the like.
The coffee feels but does not take over ...)
coatings are soaked with a layer of mascarpone cream and so on
until does not finish the cream!
last layer of cream sprinkled with cocoa so.
Put in refrigerator for a few hours and then be ready to be tasted

Good weekend to all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wedding Program Memorial Note Wording

Once upon a time ...

a desperate woman! A
that after only six months in
a brand new house ...

decided to revolutionize much of the two main rooms

(Ehehehe.. .. It is two rooms, you read that right!)
all began when she realized that her kitchen
was too dark and yellowish ...

and after thinking about it seriously for a long time
, he realized that before
change the look of the kitchen had to change the look of the dining room!

Ah, yes .. the dining room too
conditioned the choice of colors, as it is closely tied to the kitchen
e.. You understand that everything comes from him!

And so our hero tried to distract
intense sessions with e-shopping

and One afternoon he came across in "Sunshine & Ravioli "
Etsy shop of tags, tickets and invitations
air so vintage, so .. "georgeus!
Tell me ... is not fabulous?

... eheheh ...


^ _-
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7 Pin Semi Wiring Diagram

A sky for dreaming Country Hearts &

"Life and dreams



of a book.

Read them in order



in case ..

.. dream ".

(Marcel Proust)

Happy Wednesday to all
(I hope Apple Pie The old way you do not mind!
I talked too much lately .. ^ _-)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where Can I Get Luna Lovegood Lion Hat?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ... .. In Provence Preparation and

Bonjour madame and mademoiselle
Did you like my greeting? It is no coincidence .. was specifically chosen to introduce the topic of oggi.Quando I had the chance to write for the first time Diana's blog, I mentioned in my presentation to some of my passions, among them a love of Provence , a ancient land of the south of France dotted with fields of lavender, fragrant and beautiful flowers, thanks to which it became famous throughout the world.

Adoro tutto ciò che è color lavanda, dai fiori stessi ai vestiti e agli accessori personali, ma, soprattutto, ciò che concerne l’arredamento.Ogni tanto, scherzando, ma mica poi tanto…diciamo “un po’ per celia e un po’ per non morir” immagino di essere stata una provenzale in una vita passata.Mi viene difficile descrivere le emozioni che provo ammirando quei paesaggi e quella vegetazione particolare, mi sembra una terra così soave…non a caso, è soprannominata la “douce Provence” . Ho scritto mi sembra perché, purtoppo, pur essendo stata in Francia, non ho potuto, ancora, realizzare il mio desiderio di visitarla ma spero che possa happen very soon.
Meanwhile .. dream!

dream And as if trying to reconstruct, as far as possible, some in my little corner of Provence beloved house?
Or, rather, by inserting pieces of furniture, accessories and print a few here and there that remind me a bit 'this land so special to me.
As you certainly understood the argument that the deal now is furniture country of Provence. Even in this country-style furnishings, as for others, the furniture is made of wood and have a particular "experience", despite being sober, elegant and cozy at the same time, characteristics valued by the roundness of forms which give that softness Necessary.

But what characterizes the country style of Provence, Unlike other styles of country, is the presence of mainly pastel shades of blue and tending to violet, which resemble the colors of the Provence countryside from which this style has its origini.Possono be some small pieces of furniture made entirely in these lacquers with pastel colors and can be decorated with floral motifs typical of Provence, but also with other naturalistic motifs and animals, always maintaining the pastel shades. Recur in the same tone furnishings, but also in the accessories of daily use, such as cups, trays, plates, etc..

country in the style of Provence are very much the furnishings made of wrought iron that can be left in its natural color, painted in white and ivory, or always in pastel shades, to adapt better to the rest of 'arredamento.Per consider a Provencal country house style is also necessary curarne odors.

Provence is in fact a region in which colors and scents blend tra di loro, creando un'armonia senza pari, ecco, quindi, che potrete disporre in ogni angolo della casa pout pourry e sacchetti profumati per la biancheria, ovviamente rigorosamente alla lavanda e, quando entrerete nella vostra profumatissima casetta, dopo un giorno fuori casa, a lavoro o per le strade della città dove, purtroppo, si sono persi i profumi della natura, predominando i terribili odori che inquinano il nostro ambiente, non ci resta che abbandonarci ad una fragranza aromatica che ci dà la sensazione di fresco e pulito.Arrivederci alla prossima settimana dalla vostra lavandevole Annarita!!!

Ehm .. Cof cof cof
... ... ... Diana are saaalve
Sorry for the intrusion but I would like to remind readers to participate in the
disappears ...
Pufffff ... ...