Monday, December 20, 2010

How Long To Get A Std Test Back

The Physics of Superheroes

What is the most unlikely company of a superhero?

Dispose of waste in Naples in a week.

The superhero less plausible?

Maurizio Gasparri.

What do you call a group of unlikely characters, taken from several classic science fiction, for first time together?

If you answered "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" you are wrong. The correct answer is: "Freedom and Future." The superhero

more fearful?

Ignazio La Russa, the only one who can make a coward of high school, and insults him, taking advantage of his age and social position.

What is the movie where Tom Cruise travels in time arresting people before they commit a crime?

It 's the bill on the arrest prior to Gasparri.

Who is the character of HG Welles troglodyte who wakes up to today?

This is easy: Umberto Bossi.

The coolest super power of a superhero?

The coolest super power is to Ghedini, the only one who can transform an old pimp in end-user. Then, far away is the publisher Angelini, the only one who can turn a journalist suspended by the order for incorrect information, awareness of his newspaper.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nln Pre Entrance Exam Pnonline Practice

Students can not

Those who believe they are these students?

are naive. They have the wrong ways and terms. They should take example from those who represent the state, where Saviano with his exegesis, there are sable brown for some time.

Why do not they like Americans?

who bomb civilians, including children, and then when the population shift that free angry, jump from the clouds. They divided these young people wrong who think to change the world simply smashing shop windows. Fabbricatevi napalm, killing some civil, learn from the big exporting seriously as a democracy, fuck.

Why do not do as the Roman church teaches?

Take a pope, fuck off and give them poisoned tea. It 'also less expensive than a holy war. Find everything you need from the grocery store. We need to do all that mess? Barbarians, uncivilized! Or if you like this kind of pulp, you can act out a murder-suicide, as happened a decade ago in the Vatican's walls: the Swiss Guard found dead suicide with a gun whose bullets had a diameter greater miraculously the entry hole. Damn, learn from representatives of our Lord. You're no god!

And again, what the fuck you stand to smash the windows of McDonald's? That is an organization that is serious. Multinationals in general, whose uncivilized barbarians smashed windows you have intelligence and private armed militias, which they use to threaten and kill trade unionists, in the third world are struggling to get the workers have a salary and conditions life equal to those that are in the West.

These young people just do not know what democracy is. If they do teach by the Israelis, who have perpetrated the genocide of the Palestinian people. If they do teach from Bush e Blair che hanno invaso un paese, provocando morti e mutilazioni tra la popolazione civile, sulla base di prove fasulle, allo scopo di controllare il mercato petrolifero.

Se li facciano insegnare da Berlusconi gli alti valori dello stato, lui che quando minacciarono di rapire il figlio, invece di rivolgersi alla polizia chiese aiuto al mafioso Mangano.

Cari ragazzi, prima di esprimere la vostra rabbia con questi modi così incivili, imparate da chi è più armato e ricco di voi. Perché vedete, esiste una regola non scritta del diritto: quando si incazzano i forti si dice esportazione della democrazia. I pezzenti come voi Instead, they are just thugs.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Herpes On The Arm From A Bite

History of Israel # 9 - The Mysteries of Black September

A moment of the attack at the Olympics in Monaco in 1972.

of Andrea Pili

1. Zionism and theft of Palestinian territories
2. The Great Arab Revolt
3. Jewish Terrorism
4. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

5. The first Arab-Israeli war
6.1. The second Arab-Israeli war (1st part)
6.2. The second Arab-Israeli War (2nd part)

7. Birth of Al Fatah and the PLO
8. The Six Day War

The outcome of the 1967 war led to two important consequences: the end of pan-Arabism and the progressive support of refugees to armed struggle, under the aegis of the PLO . In 1968, in May, the organization - without a chairman after the resignation of Shukeiry - met in the Palestinian National Council to adopt the Charter of its ideological principles, this document will be the basis of all the Palestinian movements for nearly three decades. Three articles are significant and encompass all the others, "armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine" (Article 9); "the partition of Palestine is nothing" (Article 19) "Zionism is a movement organically linked with world imperialism and racist fanatic ... ... aggressive, fascist and Nazi methods "(Article 22). It 'clear the attitude of the militants anticompromissorio palestinesi, i quali si pongono in contrasto netto non solo con Israele ma anche con tutte le istituzioni che riconoscono tale stato; anche i paesi arabi sono collusi dalla crescente presenza dei profughi e dei gruppi armati e costretti a complicate relazioni con Israele e con l'Olp.

Re Hussein con il primo ministro Wasfi.

Il Libano e la Giordania sono gli stati più colpiti dall'esodo del '67. Il paese dei cedri da sempre basato sull'equilibrio tra le varie confessioni popolari è fortemente sbilanciato a causa di questa immissione di islamici. Alla fine del 1968 un commando palestinese attacca un aereo israeliano all'aeroporto ateniese; la risposta israeliana non si fece attendere: 13 aerei arabi vengono distrutti sull'aeroporto di Beirut. Così, lo stato sionista iniziò la sua lunga serie di criminali intrusioni nello stato libanese. La monarchia hashemita vede la presenza palestinese e guerrigliera come una minaccia per la stabilità del paese; per questo re Hussein decise una clamorosa azione di forza per eliminare i gruppi armati: nel settembre 1970 le truppe giordane fanno strage di profughi: 4500 morti e 10.000 feriti. È il tragico Settembre Nero , ennesima tragedia del popolo arabo. Entro il 1971 i movimenti di lotta armata palestinese abbandonano la Giordania per passare in Libano dove due anni prima vi furono violenti scontri tra i feddayin palestinesi e l'esercito.

Between 1969 and 1970 are clearly the causes of the new Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973. First there is the economic issue and therefore the question of the Suez Canal, now closed to navigation due to the presence on the east side of the military in April 1969 and announced the end of the ceasefire two years ago and the beginning of the so-called "war of attrition" against Israel. So, they began to hand Zionist fresh clashes in Egyptian territory by means of artillery, combat aircraft, but especially commando raid. The situation of armed conflict lasted until the new cease-fire on Aug. 7, which was sponsored by the U.S. Secretary of State Rogers, however, the presence of Soviet missiles along the area of \u200b\u200bthe truce urged Israel to reject the agreements. So it was necessary intervention of the UN envoy Gunnar Jarring, who managed to wrest a peace agreement in Jerusalem and in Cairo in 1971, this peaceful situation was still precarious and it was evident that only a new war could finally loosen the knot of Suez .

Sadat and Assad.

On economic causes were added to those policies with the new change of power in Egypt and Syria, both in 1970. On 28 September President Gamal Nasser Ahdel died, his last political action was a meeting with King Hussein of Jordan groped to block the repression of the Palestinians. The new leader was Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt, Syria and the head of the military wing of the Baath party, Hafez al-Assad took power in a coup against its opponents: the Egyptian leader was accused of moderation due repression of the wing joint Arab Socialist Union and its openness to economic liberalism, Assad had to face the wrath of Islamic extremist movements, due to the establishment of a secular constitution in which Islam was not mentioned as the state religion and support given to him by the Alawite minority group. Both presidents saw in the war against the Israeli enemy shared a golden opportunity to shrink their country, shape up and hide the internal contradictions.

Guerrillas of Black September in training.

The Palestinian armed movement helped to raise the tension. In 1969 Yasser Arafat was elected new chairman of the PLO executive council of the latter. Arafat was the expression of Al-Fatah, the majority political movement within the organization of the same party are the men who founded "Black September", an armed group formed in 1970 because of the massacre in Jordan and responsible for egregious actions in the years prior to the Yom Kippur war. These include the assassination of Prime Minister Jordan Wasfi al-Tall and the killing of eleven Israeli athletes at the Olympics in Monaco 1972.

Israel but continued to show his face in arrogant and belligerent reprisals carried out in Lebanon between 1972 and 1973. As already happened with the 1967 war in Lebanon was once again facing an internal conflict between Muslims and Christian Maronites, the most tragic harbinger of future civil wars.

Codovini John, "History of the Arab-Israeli Palestinian
AAVV, “Enciclopedia Peruzzo-Larousse”

Ghassan Kanafani, “La grande rivolta araba (1936-1939)”

Ilan Pappe, “La pulizia etnica della Palestina”

Roberto Gremmo, “L'ebraismo armato”


Monday, December 13, 2010

Gloryholes Orlando For Women


story of a massacre in which everything is known ... except the principals, the murder weapon and motive.

If the video does not start click here .

Despite some technical problems, which I hope will forgive us, we managed to put together the more plausible assumptions about the Ustica disaster, but it remained empty-handed. We are not soothsayers, nor intelligence experts, the best of our ambition in this amateur documentary was to keep his memory alive.
In our small, we hope to have succeeded. This week will be also published the text of the video, I thank Igor Charter, author of the documentary, and Alberto Cordeddu, who handled the shooting, experimenting with that grinder of my computer.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kate´s Playground Free Movie

History of Israel # 8 - The Six Day War

tanks in the Golan Heights, 1967.

Re Hussein di Giordania assieme a Nasser.

Tra la fine del 1966 e i primi cinque mesi del 1967 la tensione mediorientale salì enormemente fino allo scoppio dell'inevitabile conflitto. A tale situazione si unì l'ansia del presidente Nasser, il quale - dopo recenti fallimenti politici e l'ascesa di nuovi soggetti politici – vuole ribadire il suo ruolo nella questione del Medio Oriente.

Gli attacchi della guerriglia palestinese divennero minacciosi ed il governo israeliano decise di rispondere con delle rappresaglie in territori non propri: nel novembre 1966 l'esercito sionista attaccò il villaggio di As-Samu in Giordania, mentre nell'aprile 1967 terrorizzò il Sinai, in Egitto. Nel maggio dello stesso anno si moltiplicarono gli incidenti militari aerei tra Siria e Israele; Nasser allora entrò in scena ottenendo il ritiro delle truppe UNEF (19 maggio) e successivamente chiudendo gli stretti di Tiran e quindi bloccando le navi dirette verso Israele. Il 26 maggio il presidente egiziano pronunciò un discorso acceso contro l'esistenza dello stato sionista e quattro giorni dopo stipula un Pact military alliance with Jordan also joined in and soon Iraq. [1] The Hashemite monarch proved to be an opportunist on this occasion: not until February 1967 he signed an agreement with the USA to protect their kingdom, but the nationalist opposition under pressure immediately after Hussein and gabbana ago pretending to be pro-Palestinian agreeing with Nasser. Meanwhile, as Israel mobilized its army, France is the first foreign power to the region that senses the war in advance. De Gaulle then stopped the shipment of arms to the Middle East, and then tried to set up a conference with Great Britain, USA and the USSR to avoid the conflict, but the Soviet Union reaffirmed its support for the Arab side and the conference was aborted.

On June 5, 1967, the Zionist government of Levi Eshkol announced the outbreak of hostilities by sending aircraft to bomb the Arab air bases, in Israel a few hours becomes absolute master of the air had destroyed almost all the media aero -Military of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. The Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin ordered his armored troops to invade the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt also the Jewish soldiers have been sweeping over the Arab armies and even reaching the east bank of the Suez Canal and occupy Sharm el-Sheikh. The Egyptian front is now weakened, since 6 hours all'8 giugno Israele inizia l'offensiva in Cisgiordania con lo stesso copione: i giordani vennero travolti e furono subito costretti a ritirarsi per difendere la capitale Amman, lasciando mano libera alle truppe che l'8 giugno occupano tutta Gerusalemme.

Lo stesso giorno i paesi arabi proclamarono il “cessate il fuoco” ma Israele vuole continuare il conflitto per chiudere i conti anche con la Siria. Tra il 9 e il 10 giugno l'esercito di Rabin combatte sull'altipiano presso il lago di Tiberiade e occupa El Quneistra e le alture del Golan. Il fallimento arabo è totale; il 10 giugno l'offensiva israeliana si blocca a seguito del richiamo del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'Onu.

Narkiss, Dayan and Rabin entrants in the Old City of Jerusalem
after the defeat of Jordanians.

The new Nakba

The effects of the Six Day War in the sensitivity of the Arab world are comparable to those of Nakba of 1948 for humiliation and for the new mass of refugees caused by 'Israeli arrogance. The Israeli territory extended from 22,000 to over 100,000 square kilometers and the Arabs under his rule grew from 200,000 to over one million.

On 28 June 1967, the Knesset approved the admission to the territory of Israel in Jerusalem, the Sinai and the Golan Heights, the area constitutes the so-called "occupied territories" in which a military administration takes office, in East Jerusalem is already starting the construction of Jewish neighborhoods. From 29 August to 1 September, the Arab League met in Khartoum and said he did not recognize the state of Israel, therefore, with the Zionists will not enter into any peace. On 22 November the UN Security Council condemns the Zionist acquisition of Arab territories, Resolution 242 is to give notice to withdraw from areas invaded Israel and calls on all states in the region to respect the independence and sovereignty of borders approved, also calls for a fair solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees and freedom of navigation.

Clearly Israel did not respect the resolution but was in fact very active in the implementation of colonialism and the harassment of Arab citizens: in the Occupied Territories were forbidden to print and Arabic art, trade unions were repressed, protests and strikes are thwarted by the intervention Zionist police. Meanwhile, are swelling the ranks of the refugees because of the new exodus: Jordan found himself with no less than 722,687 refugees (500,000 of them outside the camps), 160,723 in Lebanon, in Syria 144,390 (including 23,000 outside the camps) .

Colonialism in the West Bank

The West Bank is the most suitable of the Israeli colonialist policy and felt the hard way the subtle political maneuver that took advantage of a war started with the legitimate reasons to restore the freedom of navigation in a war of imperialist occupation. The West Bank was one of the richest lands of the Kingdom of Jordan, with an agro-pastoral guarantor not only of self but also that export fruits and vegetables and dairy products in the Arab market, after 1967 was imposed in an economy serves the interests of Zionists favor of the industrial crops of tobacco and cotton for the Israeli market. But the government of Israel is also famous for its willingness to harm the Arab agricultural development and this is manifested in the control of water resources and the diversion of water to Israel to improve the irrigation of crops Jewish. It is estimated that in the '80s as much as 40% of water consumption of Israel came from the West Bank. The Palestinians did not stay more than an army of unemployed Jews at the mercy of masters who could take advantage of their low cost. So Israel, rhetorically justified by the Holocaust shows that he has inspired to improve the policies of his former captors as a capacity to destroy a people and also to the presumption of power and duty to act in the face of all compliance of sovereignty and international standards. To see the end of Israeli military occupation in the West Bank have to wait until 1994.

Notes [1] It provided for the establishment of a pan-Arab army under the command of Egyptian un'ufficiale.

Codovini John, "History of the Arab-Israeli Palestinian
Various Authors," Larousse Encyclopedia Peruzzo, "
Ghassan Kanafani," The Great Arab Revolt (1936-1939) "
Ilan Pappe , "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" Roberto
Gremmi, "Judaism armed"

Suez 1956, the challenge of Egypt. We are History.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

North Face Denali,cancer

midterm elections: Obama loses points, but in America is different

not always the whole world is country. We are told that Obama is not going badly and that the midterm elections have certainly not improved the situation as already predicted by the polls. All true, but it should be noted that the U.S. Constitution is not equal to the Italian, and generally has important differences in all European constitutions.

First, the midterm elections are not a true picture of public opinion, let alone can serve as a yardstick of the agreement reserved to the President. This is because there is no proportional representation, in America you do not vote the party but never the individual candidate. This allows you to have a policy that rewards those who bring serious ideas and want to bump for them, because we will see the end. Suppose that X has been on duty for the renewal of one third of the Senate in midterm elections this year. This was the union must give two senators, the state X with a majority of votes for the Democratic Party, but has two Republican senators. No matter how many votes in fact take the list as a whole (as would be the proportional vote) to get the seat will be the two most voted candidates. Suppose there are 20 candidates. Democrats get 11 votes each in 1000, seven of the Republicans get 900 votes each, two other Republicans get instead 1001 votes each. Taking the sum we get 11,000 votes to 8,302 votes for the Democrats and the Republicans.

Obama's party in the state of their opponents well beyond X 2698 votes, if they were presidential elections this state would be counted as one of those who voted in favor of Obama. In the presidential elections because there are states. Instead there are two Senate Republicans who have been awarded to more than one vote to scrap all the possible Democratic candidates.

In the U.S. political system is certainly driven by the parties, but these have a weight significantly different from those in Europe, the X in the state Republican Party has had to rely on two strong candidates, oppure hanno saputo farsi appoggiare dalle lobby giuste, le quali a sua volta trovano molto più conveniente investire su singoli candidati, che non su interi apparati di partito. Da un lato il sistema nominale permette ai singoli dotati di idee nuove di andare avanti senza essere pugnalati alla schiena dagli apparati. Per inciso può anche capitare che il candidato di una lista civica minoritaria, non sostenuto da nessun partito, ottenga il seggio mandando a casa i candidati dei due partiti certamente maggioritari nello stato X: democratico e repubblicano. Dall’altro lato questo sistema è penetrabile dalle lobby d’affari, che in questo modo possono, attraverso campagne mediatiche, far vincere candidati che non rispecchiano affatto la volontà popolare, ma solo gli interessi economici di pochi.

In quest’ottica la notizia della “sconfitta” di Obama alle elezioni di medio termine si apre ad interpretazioni più profonde. Senza fare dell’attuale presidente un santino consideriamo un attimo quanti interessi ci sono in campo: le corporation delle armi vedranno ridotte le loro commesse in Iraq; le società di assicurazione sanitaria non potranno più fare quel che gli pare e nel mercato finanziario si vogliono ripristinare i paletti che limiteranno le speculazioni finanziarie; poi c’è il Tea Party dei Conservatori, l’ala più reazionaria del partito repubblicano: una fucina di idee che ogni giorno forma nuovi singoli candidati with new slogans and alternative ideas, and so on. We have a lobbying and conservative intellectuals, committed to regaining control of Congress. No wonder we have been successful, exploiting the fact that the changes Obama wants to introduce a law-socio-anthropological-cause more resistance in people.

However, even gaining control of Congress, Republicans will have to deal with other aspects of the U.S. Constitution that the media have explained our own there. Typically, the legislation has the House of Representatives, the Senate has more limited purpose. Let's say it passes a law proposed by Republicans aimed at restoring the domain of the private sector in American health care. A number of democratic representatives may table a motion against the law and with the signing of a senator, that law must be passed to the Senate where traditionally there are no agendas, is the sole arbiter of the President ' assembly, but this post is for the U.S. Vice President, that is, institutionally speaking-glove with the head of state. There being no strict rules, an agenda they obstruction is considered a practical rather than honorable, on behalf of the democratic principle according to which even those who represent a minority must be able to hear his voice. There have been extreme cases of senators che hanno tenuto parola per ben 24 ore di fila! Impedendo così che una legge a loro sgradita venisse approvata.

Supponiamo che in tal giorno al Senato tutti i senatori “obamiani” abbiano la raucedine. A quel punto la legge passa. Non fa niente, perché Obama può esercitare il suo diritto di veto, che è diverso dal veto che può esercitare il presidente della repubblica italiana. Secondo la Costituzione Usa infatti, al veto presidenziale deve seguire una nuova votazione, stavolta di entrambe le camere e la legge passa solo con una maggioranza dei due terzi in entrambe. Inutile dirvi che difficilmente i repubblicani potranno ottenere così tanti seggi, a meno che non riescano per loro le lobby a comprarsi some sniper. This would be facilitated by the fact that in America the committees are open to representatives of multinational companies and banks. But a two-thirds majority in both chambers is something rare and unique ... a member of the American coast!

So if you do not get the necessary votes the law will no longer be put back on to the next legislation. Not to mention that, because of these mechanisms, by tradition the president is the first legislature, which is usually in the Congress are discussed mainly the bills of the government. To say that Obama is weak I seem exaggerated, at least you should explain in which it is. As I understand the polls are more believable than a mid-term elections, we also consider the fact that presidents of a party that is dominant in the Congress found that opponents were always there and this has not prevented them from being re-elected. The worrying thing in this whole story is that on the one hand are not about the important role that the lobbyists and extremist groups like the Tea Party had in elections to the Congress, we do believe with the other omissions-willed and not-in America how things work in Europe, if not in Italy, preventing us from having a clear picture of what really happens. I am not surprised at this point, check that the conservative media in the U.S. have already usato questi “taglia e cuci” per far credere di essere popolari. Gente che non vuole le riforme, perché teme di dover fare la fila come i comuni mortali all’ospedale, e chiama tutto ciò che concerne il welfare, comunismo.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Auto Refresh Parameters Business Obbjects

History of Israel #7 - Nascita di Al Fatah e dell'Olp

Gruppo di guerriglieri di Al Fatha

di Andrea Pili

Puntate precedenti
1. Sionismo e furto dei territori palestinesi
2. La grande rivolta araba
3. Terrorismo ebraico
4. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

5. The first Arab-Israeli war
6.1. The second Arab-Israeli war (1st part)
6.2. The second Arab-Israeli War (2nd part)

Marines in Lebanon during the civil war of '58.

The years between the Suez Crisis (1956) and the third Arab-sraeliana (1967) have seen many omens of the future post-Nasser, some of them have their echo today. The pan-Arabism rather than move towards a prosperous rise showed many limitations and its struggling prepare the advent of new organizzazioni nazionaliste nel cuore dei profughi palestinesi; queste non più panarabe ma sostenitrici dell'indipendenza della Palestina contro lo stato di Israele.

Nel 1958 il Libano conobbe la sua prima guerra civile la quale rivelò al mondo le profonde contraddizioni all'interno di questo paese e anticipò la tragica guerra civile di vent'anni dopo. Il presidente libanese Camille Chamoun, cristiano, dirige la sua politica in senso filo-occidentale: appoggia la coalizione filosionista nel 1956; un anno dopo aderì alla dottrina Eisenhower secondo cui gli Stati Uniti avrebbero potuto intervenire in Medio Oriente qualora lo avessero ritenuto opportuno. [1] L'orientamento del governo di Beirut fece storcere il naso the pro-Arab nationalist Nasserites, who organize an armed uprising against the supporters of Chamoun. The conflict will be closed soon due to the intervention of the U.S. marines landed in the land of the cedars and in fact imposed the peace by advising Chamoun to resign and allow the election of President Fuad Chebab who chose among the Allies Karami, a Sunni, thus managing to restore order.

Foundation of the United Arab Republic.
In the same year Nasser lived the height of his political career by putting into place the union between Egypt and Syria thereby forming the United Arab Republic, while in Iraq is the Hashemite monarchy deposed by General Kassem, pro-Nasser, establishing a republic. However, Nasser proved unable to manage the union between the two great countries and its centralism Egyptian ended up disappointing the Syrians, whose military (harshly repressed) resulted in a coup in 1961 which put an end forever to the RAU After this political failure Nasser was also a military failure that reveals the defeat of '67: in 1962, in Yemen, the general pro-Egyptian Abdullah Sallah rebelled against the king enslaved the British occupation, Nasser decides to militarily support the sending of troops in general area . The Egyptian military proved unable to fight the royalists supported by Saudi Arabia, Britain and the United States and the prestige of Egypt began to waver between the allied countries.

Symbol of Al Fatah (victory).
Meanwhile, new myths are asserted in Arab countries, Algeria became independent in 1962 thanks to the valiant struggle of the Arab revolutionary FLN [2] headed by Ahmed Ben Bella, progressive, which now seems to override Nasser as a new symbol of the Arab world. Ben Bella is not a pan-Arab and therefore embodies the independence struggle linked to individual Arab territories. This progressive nationalism began to assert itself among the Palestinian refugees in the early '60s. In the wake of what was born in 1964, the PLO [3] with the support of the Arab League by the Palestinian National Congress meeting in East Jerusalem, the organization brings together political and military movements from different backgrounds but united in aversion to politics the state of Israel which is against an Army of Liberation. Just six months after (January 1, 1965) came to the armed struggle of Fatah movement claimed that his first act of guerrilla warfare in Israel, now on the infiltration of Palestinian guerrillas in helping Israel will multiply to raise the tension preceding the Six Day War. Fatah was founded in 1959 by Yasser Arafat, Abu Jihad, Abu Iyad and a group of refugees residing in Kuwait with the conviction that, given the failure of the Arab armies-only armed struggle can liberate Palestine Zionist occupation.

Right, the PLO Warning symbol.

Notes [1] A similar method was used in the early twentieth century through the Platt Amendment with Cuba during the administration of Theodore Roosevelt. According to this amendment, the U.S. could intervene militarily in the island if they deem it appropriate to request the opposition to the government. This amendment is justified Monroe doctrine adopted a century earlier: "America for Americans." In this case the doctrine is extended to key global defense of national security. (G. Pili)
[2] National Liberation Front.
[3] Organisation for the Liberation of Palestine.

Codovini John, "History of the Arab-Israeli Palestinian
Various Authors," Larousse Encyclopedia Peruzzo, "
Ghassan Kanafani," The Great Arab Revolt (1936-1939) "
Ilan Pappe, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
Roberto Gremmi, "Judaism armed"

challenge the 1956 Suez in Egypt. We are History.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Can I Do Withnatrol Maca Pills

Cagliari: Polizia carica i pastori. Palazzo della Regione sotto assedio

The violence of the Italian police against the pastors of the MPS are a disgrace which must be sewn on to the current junta, only responsible for what happened yesterday morning, 19 October 2010 in front of the palazzo della Regione. Di questo ne dovrà rispondere agli elettori alle prossime elezioni. Facciamo in modo che i sardi non dimentichino questa giornata. Si è parlato di provocatori. Tutto quello che si evince dai filmati è una sommatoria di pastori anziani in lacrime, -uno giustamente fa notare che nelle vicinanze passavano famiglie e soprattutto bambini- un uomo picchiato da cinque poliziotti, ed un altro in stato di shock che viene portato via a forza da un poliziotto; e poi le immancabili cariche di contorno.

Dal porto al palazzo della Regione i pastori hanno risposto alle cariche di polizia e carabinieri col lancio of stones and rubbish bins to stop using their advance. Especially since the Ansa has even spoken of urban warfare. If it was challenging, remember what Cossiga said about the use currently being made by the Italian state of these individuals, creating art with the motive to justify a violent and repressive action of the armed forces. For myself I believe that yesterday has witnessed the exaggerated violence of those who evidently thought that these images would be passed into oblivion, like most of the crap that are made in this island for decades.

A delegation of the MPS was finally accepted in del palazzo per trattare coi capi gruppo del Consiglio Regionale. Sul piatto delle trattative il prezzo del latte, le agevolazioni al credito, il ritiro delle giacenze, e tutti i finanziamenti previsti dalla normativa comunitaria per le aziende e i centri di stoccaggio, nonché migliori politiche energetiche. All'esterno viene impedito ai consiglieri regionali di lasciare il palazzo. Vengono bloccate persino due semplici impiegate. Insomma i pastori del MPS non hanno aria di voler scherzare. Specialmente dopo le violenze subite in piazza.

La guida del MPS Felice Floris ha rilasciato una dichiarazione ai capi gruppo del Consiglio dal carattere irrevocabile: « ... i pastori non stanno chiedendo assistenza ma aiuti concreti per an important production sector ... We ask the company for € 15 000, as promised. We will not go away without answers. "

How much longer must bear the Sardinians before you convince yourself that will never get nothing but the crumbs, if they continue to trust the mass parties who have the ultimate reference in the flag? This is a question that should be done in particular to those same pastors who-if any-were still thinks they can get something from the Italian state. The violence of last week are a warning to all.

Read Deathwatch By Robb White Online

Petizione contro l'ergastolo in Italia

of Joseph Fontana

Cari amici.
Io ritengo che la pena all'ergastolo sia una disumana crudeltà, una pena di morte con tortura lunga tutta la vita che, peraltro, assurdamente, grava molto sulle tasche dei cittadini lavoratori, fino alla morte dei detenuti con fine pena mai, per un programma di rieducazione inesistente e inutile visto che non potranno andare in libertà.
In gran parte dei Paesi Europei l'ergastolo è stato abolito; l'Italia continua a mantenere questa che è la peggiore, la più sadica, delle pene di morte. L'Italia è anche l'unico paese occidentale che si rifiuta d'inserire nel codice penale il reato di tortura.
La costituzione impone, come finalità e ragione any punishment, rehabilitation and reintegration of the offender into society as possible, the penalty to life imprisonment violates the constitutional principle vehemently.
Thirty years of harsh captivity is still a death penalty, because whoever suffers will come young old, who suffers from an adult they will be released, if released, to die at home but not a late penalty and a practice of never uncivilized endless torture, worthy of a country that says the right and Christian. I realize that for some even life imprisonment is a lesser penalty, but we need to think and reflect ... Justice in a democratic, civilized and evolved socially, can not and must never become an instrument of revenge, because otherwise all noi diventeremmo colpevoli e assassini alla stregua di chi vogliamo punire; con la conseguenza di scatenare meccanismi degenerativi e pericolosi per la democrazia e la stessa giustizia che, come tutti noi possiamo vedere, è già più che contaminata dallo scellerato esercizio di vendetta dei poteri di turno e del giustizialismo che contagia sempre più la giustamente, frustrata società.
La giustizia è giustizia giusta quando essa sa resistere alle passioni e non si lascia corrompere da alieni perversi poteri. Amici, se condividete il mio pensiero, e spero di sì, vi prego di firmare la petizione europea per l'abolizione dell'ergastolo e di farla firmare da quante più persone possibili.

Potete farlo scrivendo alla seguente mail:

No alla pena di morte!
Sì ad una giustizia giusta!

Peppe Fontana

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What To Do Zopiclone Tablets Overdose

Le bombe della settimana #1

«Gianfranco Fini sfiderà Bersani alle prossime primarie» . (Corriere)
Il Presidente della Camera chiederà scusa davanti alla tomba di Gramsci, indossando un eskimo. Un gesto provvidenziale secondo Veltroni: "Here comes just when we did not know what to invent to lose the next election."

"Napolitano urges everyone not to forget the prerogatives of his office" . (Republic)
which forces it to do shit.

"Pass the amendment chipped on Members' . (Press)
votes of confidence for the next Members will have a special bar code data with their main party, the current party, and the market price.

"We are not racists, they are to be gypsies' . (Padania)
Borghezio burps at the Teamsters convention in Gallarate.

'Silvio I was always on your side ". (The Reform)
Clamorous Rutelli passage of the PDL. Capezzone to welcome him: "There's room for everyone."

"The secret child labor and Rossi '. (Free) New
scoop Littorio Felt. Labor would give birth in secret on the island of Saint Lucia. The Director of Making Future denies his paternity.

"Stop!" . (The Journal)
According to the National UFO Center Rutelli was promoted from the PDL to the male part 100%.

"Clamorous auting of Larussa" . (Novella 2000)
All photos of the hot night of Ignatius Larussa and Fabrizio Corona.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Black Specks In Water

Report - Rai3 - Storia del terrorismo di stato Usa

Se il video non parte prova questo link . Segnaliamo anche il nostro canale youtube , dove trovate tutti i nostri video caricati.

Povertà, distruzione e morte. Non stiamo parlando del blocco sovietico; si tratta degli Stati Uniti e dei crimini delle multinazionali e della Cia. Da che pulpito oggi gli Usa si permettono di criticare l'Iran?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Song Mercedes Benz Commercial

Accanimento terapeutico dei finiani al governo

The choice of Finian keep faith with the mandate received from the citizens has no rational explanation. Can not be explained even with the Constitution. The Second Republic is in fact an abortion if one considers that did not lead to a second key card. Because now that the '46 does not know anyone there clings to the constitutions of others, and this is totally irrational and to some extent unconscious. E 'in the United States that the government receives a direct mandate from the citizens, it certainly happens in France, but not in Italy.

The Constitution provides neither a primary nor the automatic transition from the leadership of a majority coalition to the presidency of the council of Ministers. Not only that, members can also change during the parliamentary party. So it's useless to try to decipher a rational choice of Finian, why not have it. Curiously, this choice is based on one of its founding values \u200b\u200bof the Berlusconi. The premiership absolute exists only in the head of Berlusconi, but he acts as if the Constitution already foresaw. The Basic Law of the Republic is now a ghost without a body. Or at least the body is very ill. If we want to understand what will happen later this month we still have to make a logical effort, risking some assumptions. They open at least three possible scenarios.

The first scenario assumes that Finian se la stiano facendo sotto; timorosi dei dobberman del premier, che attraverso i media minacciano di sbranarli. Quindi finirà tarallucci e vino: « Abbiamo scherzato, volemose bene ». Ma è uno scenario poco plausibile perché si tratta di gente abituata all'emarginazione politica. Stiamo parlando degli ex missini. Come fanno a spaventarsi per così poco? Evidentemente questa ipotesi non può essere presa sul serio.

Il secondo scenario prende per buono il fatto che i finiani abbiano bisogno di tempo per organizzarsi e vogliano far vedere col prossimo, ennesimo, voto di fiducia a Berlusconi, che senza di loro il suo governo non può reggersi e che dovrà scendere a patti con questa nuova realtà politica. Poi c'è la legge elettorale da cambiare e che non va più bene a nessuno. Quindi con la favola del prestare fede al mandato si da un'immagine di serietà e di maturità politica agli elettori della prossima legislatura; Fini il temporeggiatore, insomma.

Il terzo scenario è degno degli intrecci da spy story di cui sentiamo parlare in questi giorni. I finiani vogliono solo che i berlusconiani abbassino la guardia mentre loro preparano la notte dei lunghi coltelli della destra parlamentare; essendo ormai fallita quella dei giornali del premier, che ansi ormai non lasciano dubbi sulla natura squadristica dell'amministrazione berlusconiana. Punto a favore delle opposizioni. In sostanza Fini farebbe l'occhiolino sotto banco a Di Pietro e Bersani aspirando magari ad un governo di transizione (Tremonti?) che vari la nuova legge elettorale e ci porti alle urne entro natale, o al più tardi la prossima primavera.

In ogni caso quello di Berlusconi ormai è un governo appeso , ma non nel senso inglese del termine. Un nodo scorsoio si sta stringendo sempre più. Lasciare che duri fino alla fine della legislatura sarebbe accanimento terapeutico.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Avanzada Del Producto Compacto

Storia di Israele #6.2 - La seconda guerra arabo-israeliana (2^parte)

di Andrea Pili

Puntate Previous
1. Zionism and theft of Palestinian territories
2. The Great Arab Revolt
3. Jewish Terrorism
4. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

5. The first Arab-Israeli war
6.1. The second Arab-Israeli war (1st part)

After the alliance between Egypt and the USSR American World Bank refused to finance the construction of the Aswan dam and President Nasser decided to nationalize Suez Canal, announced this July 26, 1956, closing access to Israeli shipping and all boat bound for the Zionist state. The Egyptian document directly affected the interests of Israel (of which Egypt did not recognize its existence) and those of Great Britain and France (the company which manages the canal was just French). On 22 October 1956, at Sevres, met secretly Zionist Prime Minister Ben Gurion, the French counterpart Mollet and British Foreign Secretary Lloyd, here are plotting together against the coming attack on Egypt and establish control over the Channel to France England and in case of victory. It seems that France agreed to supply Israel with nuclear weapons it.

Using as a pretext the concentration of armored forces in Sinai, Israel began on October 29 the military operation against Nasser, under the command of Moshe Dayan, whose troops outperforming the Arab soldiers who retreat of 120 km in the hands of the Zionist left Gaza and Sinai as well as a significant military equipment of Soviet origin. On 31 October the quota of the Zionist General blindfolded [1] reached 30 km from the canal and some Jewish troops occupy Sharm al Sheik and the four islands of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqabah Sanafir; in this way, Israel had managed to free the 'access to its port of Elat. It seems over here, in a very short time Egypt has been outclassed by the Zionist armed force with which they have obtained their goal: restoring the landing craft on its territory. However, France and Great Britain decided to enter the scene at the end of October with the pantomime of the ultimatum to Israel and Egypt, intimate retreat of 16 km on both banks of the Suez Canal within 12 hours, the Jews of course accepted as Nasser refused. The resolution of the Arab leader provoked the "stroke of genius" Anglo-French violation of the Tripartite Declaration [2] international standards and destroyed the entire Egyptian air force on the ground and from November 5 to Port Said and Port Faudo elements parachuted of the European contingent began its advance along the river channel scope with the intention to stay in Ismailia. The dumb move by governments Eden and Mollet unleashed the condemnation of the Security Council UN and the reaction of the Soviet Union prepared even to an intervention of force against the occupying forces. Fearful of a possible World War Eisenhower pressed the allies to end the military action by clarifying that the U.S. would not intervene on their behalf in the event of Soviet attack. Thus, in the international shame, the Franco-British contingent stopped at Al-Qantara November 7 completing the second Arab-Israeli conflict and sealing the collapse of diplomatic aggressor countries, while winning militarily.

Nasser emerged politically stronger having gained the support of Third World countries, the support of Syria and Saudi Arabia - who blocked Zionist oil supplies to the country - and showing, on your skin, all over the world aggression and arrogance of Israel that this time the eyes of many countries will lose the aura of sacred land given to it by the tragedy of the Holocaust. [3] The conflict Nasser officially credited as a major pan-Arab anti-Western leader. The big political defeat was the British Prime Minister Anthony Eden who, with such "undertaking" signed his political death, forced to resign in 1957 because of the discredited internationally and domestically, he retired to private life.

UN - mainly thanks to the joint effort of the USSR and U.S. peacemaking - was able to prove a viable institution, set up an emergency (the UN peacekeepers) to be distributed among the Egyptian-Israeli borders, established by the armistice of 1949 and managed to ensure freedom of navigation through the Straits of Tiran in the Gulf of Aqabah. On 23 December 1956 Anglo-French they decided to evacuate Egypt and Israel from the Sinai and Gaza a year later.

Notes [1] General Moshe Dayan was devoid of an eye.
[2] See previous episode.
[3] See our investigation on the buffalo denier.

Codovini John, "History del conflitto arabo-israeliano palestinese”
AAVV, “Enciclopedia Peruzzo-Larousse”
Ghassan Kanafani, “La grande rivolta araba (1936-1939)”
Ilan Pappe, “La pulizia etnica della Palestina”
Roberto Gremmo, “L'ebraismo armato”

Suez 1956 la sfida dell'Egitto. La Storia siamo noi.