Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Herpes On The Arm From A Bite

History of Israel # 9 - The Mysteries of Black September

A moment of the attack at the Olympics in Monaco in 1972.

of Andrea Pili

1. Zionism and theft of Palestinian territories
2. The Great Arab Revolt
3. Jewish Terrorism
4. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

5. The first Arab-Israeli war
6.1. The second Arab-Israeli war (1st part)
6.2. The second Arab-Israeli War (2nd part)

7. Birth of Al Fatah and the PLO
8. The Six Day War

The outcome of the 1967 war led to two important consequences: the end of pan-Arabism and the progressive support of refugees to armed struggle, under the aegis of the PLO . In 1968, in May, the organization - without a chairman after the resignation of Shukeiry - met in the Palestinian National Council to adopt the Charter of its ideological principles, this document will be the basis of all the Palestinian movements for nearly three decades. Three articles are significant and encompass all the others, "armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine" (Article 9); "the partition of Palestine is nothing" (Article 19) "Zionism is a movement organically linked with world imperialism and racist fanatic ... ... aggressive, fascist and Nazi methods "(Article 22). It 'clear the attitude of the militants anticompromissorio palestinesi, i quali si pongono in contrasto netto non solo con Israele ma anche con tutte le istituzioni che riconoscono tale stato; anche i paesi arabi sono collusi dalla crescente presenza dei profughi e dei gruppi armati e costretti a complicate relazioni con Israele e con l'Olp.

Re Hussein con il primo ministro Wasfi.

Il Libano e la Giordania sono gli stati più colpiti dall'esodo del '67. Il paese dei cedri da sempre basato sull'equilibrio tra le varie confessioni popolari è fortemente sbilanciato a causa di questa immissione di islamici. Alla fine del 1968 un commando palestinese attacca un aereo israeliano all'aeroporto ateniese; la risposta israeliana non si fece attendere: 13 aerei arabi vengono distrutti sull'aeroporto di Beirut. Così, lo stato sionista iniziò la sua lunga serie di criminali intrusioni nello stato libanese. La monarchia hashemita vede la presenza palestinese e guerrigliera come una minaccia per la stabilità del paese; per questo re Hussein decise una clamorosa azione di forza per eliminare i gruppi armati: nel settembre 1970 le truppe giordane fanno strage di profughi: 4500 morti e 10.000 feriti. È il tragico Settembre Nero , ennesima tragedia del popolo arabo. Entro il 1971 i movimenti di lotta armata palestinese abbandonano la Giordania per passare in Libano dove due anni prima vi furono violenti scontri tra i feddayin palestinesi e l'esercito.

Between 1969 and 1970 are clearly the causes of the new Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973. First there is the economic issue and therefore the question of the Suez Canal, now closed to navigation due to the presence on the east side of the military in April 1969 and announced the end of the ceasefire two years ago and the beginning of the so-called "war of attrition" against Israel. So, they began to hand Zionist fresh clashes in Egyptian territory by means of artillery, combat aircraft, but especially commando raid. The situation of armed conflict lasted until the new cease-fire on Aug. 7, which was sponsored by the U.S. Secretary of State Rogers, however, the presence of Soviet missiles along the area of \u200b\u200bthe truce urged Israel to reject the agreements. So it was necessary intervention of the UN envoy Gunnar Jarring, who managed to wrest a peace agreement in Jerusalem and in Cairo in 1971, this peaceful situation was still precarious and it was evident that only a new war could finally loosen the knot of Suez .

Sadat and Assad.

On economic causes were added to those policies with the new change of power in Egypt and Syria, both in 1970. On 28 September President Gamal Nasser Ahdel died, his last political action was a meeting with King Hussein of Jordan groped to block the repression of the Palestinians. The new leader was Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt, Syria and the head of the military wing of the Baath party, Hafez al-Assad took power in a coup against its opponents: the Egyptian leader was accused of moderation due repression of the wing joint Arab Socialist Union and its openness to economic liberalism, Assad had to face the wrath of Islamic extremist movements, due to the establishment of a secular constitution in which Islam was not mentioned as the state religion and support given to him by the Alawite minority group. Both presidents saw in the war against the Israeli enemy shared a golden opportunity to shrink their country, shape up and hide the internal contradictions.

Guerrillas of Black September in training.

The Palestinian armed movement helped to raise the tension. In 1969 Yasser Arafat was elected new chairman of the PLO executive council of the latter. Arafat was the expression of Al-Fatah, the majority political movement within the organization of the same party are the men who founded "Black September", an armed group formed in 1970 because of the massacre in Jordan and responsible for egregious actions in the years prior to the Yom Kippur war. These include the assassination of Prime Minister Jordan Wasfi al-Tall and the killing of eleven Israeli athletes at the Olympics in Monaco 1972.

Israel but continued to show his face in arrogant and belligerent reprisals carried out in Lebanon between 1972 and 1973. As already happened with the 1967 war in Lebanon was once again facing an internal conflict between Muslims and Christian Maronites, the most tragic harbinger of future civil wars.

Codovini John, "History of the Arab-Israeli Palestinian
AAVV, “Enciclopedia Peruzzo-Larousse”

Ghassan Kanafani, “La grande rivolta araba (1936-1939)”

Ilan Pappe, “La pulizia etnica della Palestina”

Roberto Gremmo, “L'ebraismo armato”



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