Those who believe they are these students?
are naive. They have the wrong ways and terms. They should take example from those who represent the state, where Saviano with his exegesis, there are sable brown for some time.
Why do not they like Americans?
who bomb civilians, including children, and then when the population shift that free angry, jump from the clouds. They divided these young people wrong who think to change the world simply smashing shop windows. Fabbricatevi napalm, killing some civil, learn from the big exporting seriously as a democracy, fuck.
Why do not do as the Roman church teaches?
Take a pope, fuck off and give them poisoned tea. It 'also less expensive than a holy war. Find everything you need from the grocery store. We need to do all that mess? Barbarians, uncivilized! Or if you like this kind of pulp, you can act out a murder-suicide, as happened a decade ago in the Vatican's walls: the Swiss Guard found dead suicide with a gun whose bullets had a diameter greater miraculously the entry hole. Damn, learn from representatives of our Lord. You're no god!
And again, what the fuck you stand to smash the windows of McDonald's? That is an organization that is serious. Multinationals in general, whose uncivilized barbarians smashed windows you have intelligence and private armed militias, which they use to threaten and kill trade unionists, in the third world are struggling to get the workers have a salary and conditions life equal to those that are in the West.
These young people just do not know what democracy is. If they do teach by the Israelis, who have perpetrated the genocide of the Palestinian people. If they do teach from Bush e Blair che hanno invaso un paese, provocando morti e mutilazioni tra la popolazione civile, sulla base di prove fasulle, allo scopo di controllare il mercato petrolifero.
Se li facciano insegnare da Berlusconi gli alti valori dello stato, lui che quando minacciarono di rapire il figlio, invece di rivolgersi alla polizia chiese aiuto al mafioso Mangano.
Cari ragazzi, prima di esprimere la vostra rabbia con questi modi così incivili, imparate da chi è più armato e ricco di voi. Perché vedete, esiste una regola non scritta del diritto: quando si incazzano i forti si dice esportazione della democrazia. I pezzenti come voi Instead, they are just thugs.
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