Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where To Buy Food Grade Cocoa Butter

must take the right time to give proper names to things. is crucial. I got myself a couple of days to reduce the bone that has happened. now I go forward. C
as bronchitis.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Do Black Men Grow Their Pinky Nails?

I was going, smashed their fists into the pockets;
And my coat was becoming ideal;
I went under the sky, Muse! and I was your faithful;
Oh! I love those beautiful dreams!

My only trousers had a large gash. Thumb
dreaming in my ride ginned
Rime. My inn was greater on the bear.
- my stars in the sky were a sweet fru-fru

the listener sitting on the roadside
In the cool evenings of September when I felt
drops of dew on his forehead, like a wine of force;

Or reference in the midst of fantastic shadows,
lire As I pulled the elastic of my shoes
wounds, one foot close to the heart!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Codigo De Activacion Flight Simulator X

I had to write many things here I have marked on a sheet, then suddenly a song removed from my difficulties. I worked for this thing here . I go to sleep.

But sooner or later we forget everything and forget everything before

But eventually we forget everything sooner or later
And forget everything, sooner or later
But we forget everything sooner or later
And we forget about everything sooner or later

Here we explain everything, and you can also listen to this song for me is like my identity card.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Famous 32's In Baseball

Christmas in Sudan: the reasons for a conflict

in Darfur are fighting a new Cold War between the U.S. and China

of Andrea Pili

These days in the West spread the news about new clashes in Sudan in Darfur and the upcoming referendum in the south. However, very little is known of the historical events of this troubled country as the background of today's issues, then came the time to clarify things.

First, Sudan is not a nation and therefore the first reason is its wars of ethnic and geographical 1 ; the north of the state is mainly Arabic, while in the south are the vast majority of the blacks of various tribal languages, the same problem exists in Darfur, the region is culturally divided between Arabs and tribal. In addition, throughout the territory, there are as many as 50 ethnic groups divided into about 600 tribes and then we see the stupidity of the management of borders due to colonization, which in Sudan as in other countries, has created a cauldron-states within which ethnic groups are present different and even rivals. The germ of the internal struggle is in fact already present since the independence of Sudan 2 occurred during a civil war between north and south, which was started in 1955 and would end in 1972.

In that year the Sudanese president Al-Nimeiry, Arab nationalist, progressive, signing peace with the rebels in the "agreement in Addis Ababa" with a degree of autonomy which is enshrined in the South. The new socialist government came to power with a military coup in 1969 headed by the official pro-Nasserites, President Al-Jafer Nimeiry was able to prove a shrewd leader and reformer with the nationalization of banks and industries and land reform.

Note that he was a layman and this facilitated the negotiation between the two warring parties, which are also divided between Muslims (Arabs) and Christians (Tribal blacks). The power in Khartoum has always been related to the people of the north and then the secular Arab nationalism was probably the only political movement capable of curbing attrition and to present the authorities as authentic of all Sudanese.

Unfortunately, the story has been different and at the end of the seventies was the metamorphosis of Nimeiry from progressive to fundamentalist Islam. The causes of this change are in the coup attempts suffered in mid-decade by Sadiq el Mahdi, so the fear of losing power and the growing opposition led Nimeiry looking for new blocks: the United States, Egypt's Sadat and Islamic fundamentalism. Now the first two supports Khartoum no longer exist, while the third is still alive.

It should be remembered that the U.S. - who are now bitter enemies of the Sudanese government - just as the turning point of the Islamist Khartoum government supported; then Islamic fundamentalism is the second reason for the conflict. Sadat and Reagan were soon won over by the accession of Nimeiry the Camp David accords with Egypt, which has recognized the existence of the state of Israel. Islamic fundamentalists became allies of the government due to the unfortunate decision to apply the Shari'a throughout the country in 1983. Clashes resume in the same year, now powered by this blatant betrayal of the agreements of '72.

Just as Al-Nimeiry is visiting the White House 3 a group of military regime deposed without bloodshed. Between now and 1989 have come and gone two presidents who led the country between non-aligned states and also received aid for development by the United States and International Monetary Fund, which worked out a bailout of the country in 1982, despite the which the Sudan was one of the poorest countries in the world, although it was rich in oil.

We therefore introduce the third reason current conflicts, the political-economic , where you have to use some 'assumptions in the absence of a 360 °. In 1989 he came to power Omar Al-Bashir, is still head of the republic, an ally of the Sudanese Islamic Front of the magistrate At-Turabi, who in 1991 establish the new Islamic code, which contributes to the southern rebellion. Because the echo aroused by the violation of civil rights in the south, the United States abandon relations with Sudan and cut off economic aid with the approval of the IMF 4 that breaks with Khartoum due to non-payment of debts. The western port turnaround Bashir's regime to approach the new superpower, the only one able to "challenge the" American dominance: the People's Republic of China. Here we enter a scenario that brings us back to the climate of Cold War half a century ago.

in Darfur has created the largest current humanitarian emergency.

Sudan are facing today in the U.S. and China to try to capture the abundant resources of the country. 5

In Sudan, China has sent as many as 8 billion dollars in various energy sectors and the African country imports about 5% of its domestic needs. The Chinese have replaced the IMF with its state-owned banks and show themselves as stakeholders including e rispettosi dell'Africa, non impedendo il proprio modello politico-economico e scambiando risorse con la costruzione di infrastrutture, tutte con manodopera cinese.

All'inizio del 2000 il governo di Khartoum giunse a trattative con l'Esercito di Liberazione Popolare, 6 bloccando il lungo conflitto e sancendo finalmente la pace a Doha nel 2005, stabilendo la fine della Sharia nel sud ed il riconoscimento della diversità culturale di quest'ultimo.

L'esito della diatriba tra le due grandi parti del paese provocò un nuovo più terribile conflitto in Darfur, su basi etniche: arabi contro tribali dell'Africa Nera. L'opposizione dei Fur animata dalle del Jem 7 e dell' Els 8 si sollevò nel 2003, sicuramente nella speranza di scendere a trattative col governo. In Darfur è nata invece la più grande emergenza umanitaria attuale. E' il genocidio più grave del nuovo secolo, con 450'000 morti e 1 milione di profughi; ai due movimenti armati dei Fur si contrappongono gli islamisti filo-governativi Janjeweed, seminatori di terrore.

ribelli Jem nel Sudan

Per i crimini commessi, la Corte Penale Internazionale nel 2010 ha incriminato Omar Al Bashir per genocidio ed ha emanato contro di lui un mandato di cattura internazionale.

I nuovi scontri del 25 dicembre hanno dimostrato che la questione Darfur è ancora ben lontana dall'essere risolta a differenza dell'altro grande conflitto che sembra avviarsi a conclusione. Il 9 gennaio 2011 il Sudan meridionale andrà alle urne per votare il referendum sull'indipendenza dal governo centrale; gli Stati Uniti e le multinazionali – ghiotte di petrolio – hanno finanziato gli indipendentisti 9 e questo fatto dovrebbe inquietare e contenere l'entusiasmo per la liberazione del sud. Infatti si presenta la fine dell'oppressione araba, ma anche l'inizio della schiavitù economica delle multinazionali amiche di Washington. Solo un ingenuo, inoltre, potrebbe pensare che gli Usa si are held by foreign fund rebels in Darfur against rival Beijing, Bashir's supporters and opponents of the arrest warrant against him.

If the south will separate the government draft a new constitution that would strengthen the Islamic legislation. In short, the Cold War between the new millennium and the massacre in Darfur, as well as the escalation of the theocracy, it seems that the haze will continue to dominate the Sudan for a long time, even if the separatists win the future plebiscite.

Notes 1 The Sudan contains within itself the watershed area between the North African Arab and Islamic Africa and the Black, among whom are animists and Christians arose as a result of missionary preaching.
2 1 January 1956.
3 April 6, 1985.
4 International Monetary Fund.
5 Especially in the south and Darfur. Southern insurgents
7 Movement for Equality and Justice. 8
Sudanese Liberation Army. Bush jr
9 with 6 billion dollars.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Jack Off To My Sister

Sardinia: NATO outpost Mediterranean

The case is returned Quirra Alboro the news thanks to the study carried out by local health authorities of Cagliari and Lanusei, which revealed that as many as 65% of the farmers who live and work around the polygon was sick of leukemia and lymphoma; In addition, there was an abnormal number of animals born with deformities. The clinical causes of this scourge are well known thanks to the research of Dr. Gatti and physical Coraddu: explosions caused by depleted uranium weapons and exposure to radar. The economic reasons of the settlers are equally well known: the polygon is used as a supermarket ogliastrino by private arms industries.

È bene però interrogarsi sulle cause politiche che impongono lo sfruttamento della nostra isola e lo stupro della sua popolazione sia in termini di salute che in termini economici (pensiamo agli espropri oppure alle zone interdette alla navigazione: 75000 ha solo a Teulada).

All'inizio degli anni '50 la NATO vede nella Sardegna un'ottima terra per piazzare le proprie strutture militari per la sua posizione strategica nel Mediterraneo e per la possibilità di costruire installazioni facilmente collegabili tra loro; così ha inizio l'edificazione delle basi di Teulada, Salto di Quirra e Decimomannu. Il 20 ottobre 1954 l'Italia stipula un accordo con gli Stati Uniti per la costruzione of similar centers in the Magdalene and the territories of Cagliari.

The "privileged" position of the island is revealed to us by the disparity in the number of military bases it wanted in respect to those posed in the rest of the Italian Republic (an estate of 24,000 military has in the face of the state property of 16000 has in the rest of the state). Note that even in Sardinia are the largest polygon land, air and naval Europe (Quirra jump) and the second military firing of Italy (Capo Teulada), both used the Atlantic Alliance. Only in Friuli, there is a similar density of military installations (less than 17 polygons), if the region italiana il numero esorbitante di basi era volto ad intimorire la Iugoslavia o comunque tutto l'est sovietico, la nostra terra è stata usata inizialmente come deterrente contro i paesi arabi medio-orientali, ostili ad Israele, e prossimi ad intrecciare rapporti con l'Unione Sovietica. Non dimentichiamoci che nel 1953 - con il colpo di stato degli ufficiali liberi in Egitto - iniziò l'ascesa di Nasser, inquadrato subito come nemico dell'occidente per via delle sue rivendicazioni sul canale di Suez e la sua avversione allo stato sionista. Inoltre, il Nord Africa era in aria di decolonizzazione (si veda l'Algeria) e ciò intimoriva non poco gli atlantisti dato la probabile simpatia dei nuovi paesi verso il blocco socialista.

Tuttavia, la presenza dell'Urss ha consentito di attutire l'ostentazione dei muscoli americani nel Mediterraneo, ma, dopo la fine della guerra fredda, i legami tra le basi militari nell'isola e la difesa occidentale di Israele sono più evidenti e testimoniate da una serie di esercitazioni certamente avvenute nel primo decennio del 2000. Nel maggio 2001 - di fronte al poligono di Teulada - otto navi della marina tedesca iniziarono l'esercitazione “Trident d'Or”, poi conclusa ad Haifa con la flotta israeliana; nel maggio 2002 le truppe dell'Eurofor (Italia, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo) a Teulada affrontano l'esercitazione “Eolo 2002” la quale, per diversi giornalisti, è a test for possible missions in the Middle East in September 2003, the Zionist newspaper "Maariv" disclose the implementation of a simulated air combat between the Israelis and F15 MIG29 Decimomannu German, and finally in May 2006 - two months before the invasion of the third Lebanon - always Decimomannu, Zionist air units take part in the exercise "Spring Flag".
Boniface VIII - the late thirteenth century - created the Kingdom of Sardinia with the intent to use the position of Sardinia for a new crusade with the Aragonese monarch ally. After more than seven centuries, our land is still an object in the hands of imperialist powers. Sardinia is an independent instead a meeting point in dispute between the Mediterranean cultures and the western outpost against the Arab people.

Sardinian population, when you get up your head?

"military slavery in Sardinia. The case Teulada. Editions La Collina, Guido and Angelo Ledda Floris
As for the story of the Kingdom of Sardinia, see "History of the Church in Sardinia," Raymond Turtas.
On the pro-Zionist military exercises, see the archives of New Unione Sarda and Sardinia.

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Solution quiz "What they have in common?

The solution to the quiz on January 2 is Niccolo Ghedini . Who was the serial killer's lawyer Marco Furlan (participated in its defense in the law firm of Piero Longo) in the '80s as part of the case "Lud Wig" self-styled neo-Nazi terrorist cell. In reality, Abel and Furlan were never far-right militants, as the same Ghedini, who instead had served in MS.

Lud Wig The duo had littered the Veneto region of heinous crimes, like murder of priests, prostitutes and vagrants. They moved to Bavaria where he also caused the fire in a nightclub. They were arrested and caught red-handed while trying to repeat his crime in the disco Venetian "Melamara.

Apart from the fact that ALL are entitled to a good defense ... defend any innocent once in a while, eh no!

would have been nice to hear oral argument defense, "but it goes, Furlan is just the end user of the fuel tank," and things like that. Unfortunately, Abel and Furlan were not "the leader of the main enemy camp", and indeed for luck ... otherwise they would have decriminalized the fire in the disco.

Unfortunately, nobody could guess this time. There is no winner to be proclaimed. It will be for the next quiz. If I sued in the meantime!

In the picture, a picture of the process Ghedini Lud Wig. Fourth from the right, immediately after the person standing.
Did you recognize him? I am 30 years leading the same full jacket-tie!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Motorcycle Cake Design

Quiz: what they have in common?

What he shared "the leader of the main enemy camp" with neo-Nazi killer Abel and Furlan? As this game can be ... a game, there really is a commonality between the two. We will post the solution on Thursday, claiming - if there is - the winner. Have fun!