Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Le bombe della settimana #1

«Gianfranco Fini sfiderà Bersani alle prossime primarie» . (Corriere)
Il Presidente della Camera chiederà scusa davanti alla tomba di Gramsci, indossando un eskimo. Un gesto provvidenziale secondo Veltroni: "Here comes just when we did not know what to invent to lose the next election."

"Napolitano urges everyone not to forget the prerogatives of his office" . (Republic)
which forces it to do shit.

"Pass the amendment chipped on Members' . (Press)
votes of confidence for the next Members will have a special bar code data with their main party, the current party, and the market price.

"We are not racists, they are to be gypsies' . (Padania)
Borghezio burps at the Teamsters convention in Gallarate.

'Silvio I was always on your side ". (The Reform)
Clamorous Rutelli passage of the PDL. Capezzone to welcome him: "There's room for everyone."

"The secret child labor and Rossi '. (Free) New
scoop Littorio Felt. Labor would give birth in secret on the island of Saint Lucia. The Director of Making Future denies his paternity.

"Stop!" . (The Journal)
According to the National UFO Center Rutelli was promoted from the PDL to the male part 100%.

"Clamorous auting of Larussa" . (Novella 2000)
All photos of the hot night of Ignatius Larussa and Fabrizio Corona.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Report - Rai3 - Storia del terrorismo di stato Usa

Se il video non parte prova questo link . Segnaliamo anche il nostro canale youtube , dove trovate tutti i nostri video caricati.

Povertà, distruzione e morte. Non stiamo parlando del blocco sovietico; si tratta degli Stati Uniti e dei crimini delle multinazionali e della Cia. Da che pulpito oggi gli Usa si permettono di criticare l'Iran?

Friday, September 24, 2010

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Accanimento terapeutico dei finiani al governo

The choice of Finian keep faith with the mandate received from the citizens has no rational explanation. Can not be explained even with the Constitution. The Second Republic is in fact an abortion if one considers that did not lead to a second key card. Because now that the '46 does not know anyone there clings to the constitutions of others, and this is totally irrational and to some extent unconscious. E 'in the United States that the government receives a direct mandate from the citizens, it certainly happens in France, but not in Italy.

The Constitution provides neither a primary nor the automatic transition from the leadership of a majority coalition to the presidency of the council of Ministers. Not only that, members can also change during the parliamentary party. So it's useless to try to decipher a rational choice of Finian, why not have it. Curiously, this choice is based on one of its founding values \u200b\u200bof the Berlusconi. The premiership absolute exists only in the head of Berlusconi, but he acts as if the Constitution already foresaw. The Basic Law of the Republic is now a ghost without a body. Or at least the body is very ill. If we want to understand what will happen later this month we still have to make a logical effort, risking some assumptions. They open at least three possible scenarios.

The first scenario assumes that Finian se la stiano facendo sotto; timorosi dei dobberman del premier, che attraverso i media minacciano di sbranarli. Quindi finirà tarallucci e vino: « Abbiamo scherzato, volemose bene ». Ma è uno scenario poco plausibile perché si tratta di gente abituata all'emarginazione politica. Stiamo parlando degli ex missini. Come fanno a spaventarsi per così poco? Evidentemente questa ipotesi non può essere presa sul serio.

Il secondo scenario prende per buono il fatto che i finiani abbiano bisogno di tempo per organizzarsi e vogliano far vedere col prossimo, ennesimo, voto di fiducia a Berlusconi, che senza di loro il suo governo non può reggersi e che dovrà scendere a patti con questa nuova realtà politica. Poi c'è la legge elettorale da cambiare e che non va più bene a nessuno. Quindi con la favola del prestare fede al mandato si da un'immagine di serietà e di maturità politica agli elettori della prossima legislatura; Fini il temporeggiatore, insomma.

Il terzo scenario è degno degli intrecci da spy story di cui sentiamo parlare in questi giorni. I finiani vogliono solo che i berlusconiani abbassino la guardia mentre loro preparano la notte dei lunghi coltelli della destra parlamentare; essendo ormai fallita quella dei giornali del premier, che ansi ormai non lasciano dubbi sulla natura squadristica dell'amministrazione berlusconiana. Punto a favore delle opposizioni. In sostanza Fini farebbe l'occhiolino sotto banco a Di Pietro e Bersani aspirando magari ad un governo di transizione (Tremonti?) che vari la nuova legge elettorale e ci porti alle urne entro natale, o al più tardi la prossima primavera.

In ogni caso quello di Berlusconi ormai è un governo appeso , ma non nel senso inglese del termine. Un nodo scorsoio si sta stringendo sempre più. Lasciare che duri fino alla fine della legislatura sarebbe accanimento terapeutico.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Storia di Israele #6.2 - La seconda guerra arabo-israeliana (2^parte)

di Andrea Pili

Puntate Previous
1. Zionism and theft of Palestinian territories
2. The Great Arab Revolt
3. Jewish Terrorism
4. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

5. The first Arab-Israeli war
6.1. The second Arab-Israeli war (1st part)

After the alliance between Egypt and the USSR American World Bank refused to finance the construction of the Aswan dam and President Nasser decided to nationalize Suez Canal, announced this July 26, 1956, closing access to Israeli shipping and all boat bound for the Zionist state. The Egyptian document directly affected the interests of Israel (of which Egypt did not recognize its existence) and those of Great Britain and France (the company which manages the canal was just French). On 22 October 1956, at Sevres, met secretly Zionist Prime Minister Ben Gurion, the French counterpart Mollet and British Foreign Secretary Lloyd, here are plotting together against the coming attack on Egypt and establish control over the Channel to France England and in case of victory. It seems that France agreed to supply Israel with nuclear weapons it.

Using as a pretext the concentration of armored forces in Sinai, Israel began on October 29 the military operation against Nasser, under the command of Moshe Dayan, whose troops outperforming the Arab soldiers who retreat of 120 km in the hands of the Zionist left Gaza and Sinai as well as a significant military equipment of Soviet origin. On 31 October the quota of the Zionist General blindfolded [1] reached 30 km from the canal and some Jewish troops occupy Sharm al Sheik and the four islands of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqabah Sanafir; in this way, Israel had managed to free the 'access to its port of Elat. It seems over here, in a very short time Egypt has been outclassed by the Zionist armed force with which they have obtained their goal: restoring the landing craft on its territory. However, France and Great Britain decided to enter the scene at the end of October with the pantomime of the ultimatum to Israel and Egypt, intimate retreat of 16 km on both banks of the Suez Canal within 12 hours, the Jews of course accepted as Nasser refused. The resolution of the Arab leader provoked the "stroke of genius" Anglo-French violation of the Tripartite Declaration [2] international standards and destroyed the entire Egyptian air force on the ground and from November 5 to Port Said and Port Faudo elements parachuted of the European contingent began its advance along the river channel scope with the intention to stay in Ismailia. The dumb move by governments Eden and Mollet unleashed the condemnation of the Security Council UN and the reaction of the Soviet Union prepared even to an intervention of force against the occupying forces. Fearful of a possible World War Eisenhower pressed the allies to end the military action by clarifying that the U.S. would not intervene on their behalf in the event of Soviet attack. Thus, in the international shame, the Franco-British contingent stopped at Al-Qantara November 7 completing the second Arab-Israeli conflict and sealing the collapse of diplomatic aggressor countries, while winning militarily.

Nasser emerged politically stronger having gained the support of Third World countries, the support of Syria and Saudi Arabia - who blocked Zionist oil supplies to the country - and showing, on your skin, all over the world aggression and arrogance of Israel that this time the eyes of many countries will lose the aura of sacred land given to it by the tragedy of the Holocaust. [3] The conflict Nasser officially credited as a major pan-Arab anti-Western leader. The big political defeat was the British Prime Minister Anthony Eden who, with such "undertaking" signed his political death, forced to resign in 1957 because of the discredited internationally and domestically, he retired to private life.

UN - mainly thanks to the joint effort of the USSR and U.S. peacemaking - was able to prove a viable institution, set up an emergency (the UN peacekeepers) to be distributed among the Egyptian-Israeli borders, established by the armistice of 1949 and managed to ensure freedom of navigation through the Straits of Tiran in the Gulf of Aqabah. On 23 December 1956 Anglo-French they decided to evacuate Egypt and Israel from the Sinai and Gaza a year later.

Notes [1] General Moshe Dayan was devoid of an eye.
[2] See previous episode.
[3] See our investigation on the buffalo denier.

Codovini John, "History del conflitto arabo-israeliano palestinese”
AAVV, “Enciclopedia Peruzzo-Larousse”
Ghassan Kanafani, “La grande rivolta araba (1936-1939)”
Ilan Pappe, “La pulizia etnica della Palestina”
Roberto Gremmo, “L'ebraismo armato”

Suez 1956 la sfida dell'Egitto. La Storia siamo noi.

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Il vento che accarezza l'erba. di Ken Loach

Se non parte la playlist provate con questo link .

Un'altra storia rivoluzionaria di Ken Loach. The story of a family and in particular of two brothers who are involved by the historical events of their land, Ireland. You can find a thorough review of the film reviews in the blog Robydick . This however is the our youtube channel, where you can find all our videos uploaded. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why Do Sore Throats Hurt Worse At Night?

Democrito e i Presofisti

I wanted to write more and better about the beginnings of philosophy. But so it does not say anything new, just a reinterpretation of the role that some of his players have played in history. In this particular case I am of Democritus. Also I wanted to experience another way of using the blog and at the end of the post in fact link the full version in pdf, considerably longer and would not make sense to publish in serial form.

Democritus was a contemporary of Socrates, the creator of a summary of the main schools presofiste. A summary of mechanistic and materialistic that will mark the dawn of science. Democritus also - wrongly classified as pre-Socratic - turns his eyes at the thought and ethics.

The "downgrading" of Democritus is not the criticism of Aristotle and Plato (the latter does not mention it directly), but the Catholic censorship. Only in the twentieth century, the "atheist philosophy" of Democritus could be reevaluated. If the religious dogmatism had put there hand, Socrates would still be the watershed of Greek philosophy? Reading Bertrand Russell would seem not:

"The world of atoms is logically possible and closest to the real world than it is to the world than any other ancient philosopher."

The philosopher of science Karl Popper seems even more clear:

"Although the name of Democritus is rarely remembered, his science like his morals still live with us."

should also be noted that the Sophists were the first to turn our gaze from nature to man in general, then Democritus, oltre a fornire la sintesi più efficace tra eraclitei ed eleati è anche il creatore di un pensiero enciclopedico che compendia tutti i campi della filosofia classica. Di fronte a tutto questo Socrate non ne deve uscire sminuito, ne ridimensionato. E’ Democrito che va spostato in cima al podio assieme a lui.