Ieri Marta mi ha messa un po' in allarme sul viaggio in Yemen. Pare che la Croce Rossa di Asmara abbia riferito notizie non proprio incoraggianti sulle condizioni del paese per i turisti in questo periodo. Così ho fatto un giro sul sito del MAE e non è che siano usciti fuori dettagli proprio rassicuranti. Questa mattina, peraltro, digitando "Yemen" in Google News I found out that the country is now considered the new headquarters of Al Qaeda. Be that as it's now 1000 euro invested in airline tickets, I would say that is not the time for second thoughts. We hope for the best.
Tonight I go out with Etienne, a French boy in Shanghai and met with whom I had half wheeling months ago. I'm not shivering from the desire to see him. Also why do not you feel more or less by September, when he reappeared out of nowhere last week, was well placed to take the piss to me to be gone ... As if he had made countless attempts to contact me! Boh. you explain to me how the hell people are thinking. In any case, the promise that I was made to go out only with people I really want to attend is beautifully nullified within a couple of messages. Currently you have not yet showed up. Cindi would say are the usual vane. Even here, we hope for the best.
I try to take a nap cicci beautiful.
Tonight I go out with Etienne, a French boy in Shanghai and met with whom I had half wheeling months ago. I'm not shivering from the desire to see him. Also why do not you feel more or less by September, when he reappeared out of nowhere last week, was well placed to take the piss to me to be gone ... As if he had made countless attempts to contact me! Boh. you explain to me how the hell people are thinking. In any case, the promise that I was made to go out only with people I really want to attend is beautifully nullified within a couple of messages. Currently you have not yet showed up. Cindi would say are the usual vane. Even here, we hope for the best.
I try to take a nap cicci beautiful.
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