Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cigars Wholesale In California

Needle in the hay

I still can not sleep. What is the problem, it's only 7:12 on Sunday morning ... We load this song that I like an exaggeration. And I try to turn off the light.

Does H Pylori Cause Fever

Still alive

am 5 am and I can not sleep. Last night I ate and drank too much, mo 'I'm terrible. In ten days of "vacation" in Italy I could take back the flu. The third time this year that I get sick when I'm home. Some say that it is a purely psychosomatic. Maybe.
Tomorrow I have to wake up again at this insane to take the train back. This short Italian I did well although I was not raised at all the sense of restlessness that I had before leaving. However, I want to come back chez moi. are days that "spy" programming Allocine to see what movies are making in the fifth arrondissement. I'm touching the disease, I realize. Also because Monday morning after discovering that Jules et Jim will project a film at 11.30 behind the house I had the temptation to leave early today. Then I thought maybe I was exaggerating. And, anyway, my ticket was not refundable. Better get your soul in peace, in short.
The real news of the week is that Mark sold me his "old" record player. And that, in the attic of my grandmother, I made up a mess of 33 laps of my mother when she was young. Listening to things cool. So, finally, my room in Paris bought the missing piece that will make it perfect. Until the next fad, bien sur.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tender Breasts Meaning

Celebrity vs Youth. That is an uplifting story about how to age with dignity

In Paris I give all of you. And call me Madame . There is little to do, 'is what is on my ass. As Madame my "stage name" I tried to think the matter in self-celebrating, but nevertheless it continues to Starmie on the ass.
Today, however, the boulangerie downstairs, I'm finally back young. It 'just enter and ask if I could buy a euro with two baguette and something sweet. The girl was initially went a bit 'in crisis, then offered me a better formulas baguette croissant + to 1.95 €, obviously welcomed with great enthusiasm. But the real momento di gioia l'ho vissuto al momento di uscire, quando il saluto è stato un (ah, godo...) a u revoir mademoiselle. A saperlo, che bastava così poco, per sentirsi un paio di anni in meno.. . E la cosa più consolante è che, avendo sempre le pezze ar culo, in un modo o nell'altro ho anche la certezza che resterò giovane per sempre... Ora non mi resta che andare a fare merenda con latte e croissant. Chissà che non ci sia anche qualche bel cartone animato in tv...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is There A Universal Combination For Locks

Mina Vagante's back! Sleepless

Mattinata in attesa di fare telefonate e prenotazioni varie. Alla fine, dopo mille esitazioni tra Berlino, Amsterdam, Bruges, Venice and Rome, I decided to ... do nothing! The same old fool, in fact.

I just thought to anticipate my return to Italy so he can go to Milan and see some 'people! And I might add very nearly a detour from Pavia by Cindi. Anyway they are still in this position for over 24 hours. And this morning I buy the tickets so I put an end to quest'insopportabile oscillation.

addition to returning to Italy in recent days I have to book flights for April. I tell you that where I go, so now it is safe, even if I still have tickets in hand.

So, I board March 31 to Asmara with Mars. Then we move on April 11 in Sana'a, capitale dello Yemen, e da lì (fino a data attualmente da definirsi) ci dirigiamo sull'isola di Socotra, vero e proprio paradiso terrestre senza nulla se non una natura incontaminata e un mare spaziale... non c'è molto altro da aggiungere se non che non vedo l'ora di partire (ma va??!).

Beh, ora vi canno tesori miei perchè ho troppe cosine da fare.
